First blush, I don't like ICS

I just did my second factory reset and wipe now all is calm. Was having the same issues you were having. My problems seemed to be linked to a gameloft game. Now that they are gone no more problems. I suggest you do a backup and reset your tab. Then install your apps 1 at a time and do a quick test. I'm not a fan of ics either however it is running pretty stable for me.

Just remember that Acer couldn't test every possible app conflicts that a person could have.
So far I haven't had a problem. ICS is now more than 48 hours old. Yesterday I decided to put it through its paces. It didn't skip a beat. I had about half of all the apps open and they all worked flawlessly - everything from GOF2 to ifighter to DOCS TO GO to GOOGLE EARTH. I played ANGRY BIRDS, Jewel, Adobe reader, ES FILE EXPERT, HD FILE MANAGER, CAMERA and VIDEO, the stock BROWSER.

It has worked without a problem. Even plays wmv files now - mine wouldn't under HC.
I just did my second factory reset and wipe now all is calm. Was having the same issues you were having. My problems seemed to be linked to a gameloft game. Now that they are gone no more problems. I suggest you do a backup and reset your tab. Then install your apps 1 at a time and do a quick test. I'm not a fan of ics either however it is running pretty stable for me.

Just remember that Acer couldn't test every possible app conflicts that a person could have.

Great advice on the app testing. That's what I've been saying also. I see a few bugs in ICS that I expect Acer will fix, but no deal breakers. I was also a little concerned about ICS initially, but I have since converted to being a fan. At first I had a few problems, but like many others, I rolled up my sleeves and took responsibility for problems that I had a partial hand in, and worked around others, instead of just running from forum to forum complaining about how nasty Acer was for not testing with every app in the Android universe. In doing so, I discovered that all of the really severe problems I observed were caused by application compatibility issues, and a few were caused by my own bad habits. At this point, day after day, I keep finding improvements delivered in ICS, and I like it.

I wrote something like this in another post. It seems relevant to this thread also:
I see that a number of people who have tried factory data resets complain that it does not help much. I also keep seeing hints in such posts though that some a500 users may have rushed to automatically or manually restore bad apps without testing each adequately. They may in rare cases just have some defective tablet or network hardware. Many of the criticisms I have seen of Acer in various forums seem unjustified. It is unreasonable to assume that all of the thousands of apps out there are going to work the same with each version of Android, and the responsibility of being a good shopper in Market is on the user, not Acer. I agree that Acer has a few bugs to fix in ICS, which is par for the course, but application compatibility is appropriately and typically the responsibility of application developers. I expect Acer will fix actual ICS bugs, and if developers of problem apps want part of the a500 market share, they will fix bugs also. After using my a500 for many months now, and after using ICS for about 2 weeks, I just bought an a100 also, and am very pleased with both. I'm also very impressed by how most people in these forums go out of their way to help each other resolve problems, and how well this process works.

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