flytouch 8


Mar 31, 2011
I'm expecting my flytouch 8 in the mail any day now. I don't see much on the forums for this tablet. Does that mean nobody has any issues and it's all good or am I searching in the wrong area. It is coming preloaded with android 4.0.3.
I think it is because nobody really knows what distinguishes a flytouch3 from a 4-5-?... if there is ANY TRUE 'lineage' of the breed(s)...
Here a flytouch 2 was first shown (to ME) as a SuperPAD (one), so those 'designations' usually follow one-behind... but there is NO TRUE demarcation of which/what is which/what.

(Plus, the 'outright lying' by the seller/resellers... nearly ALL of which say they are ix220s running 1GHZ when they are ALL throttled down to 800 and only POSSIBLY CAPABLE of doing 1GHZ...)

As far as I know, anyway.
FT2/SP1 was a 256MbRAM/2Gb NAND-HD/10in/1024x600 unit with 2TFs, 2USBs, HDMI, WiFi and GPS...

I THINK the FT3/SP2 appeared as 512Mb/2Gb and was the first with only ONE TF slot...
From THERE, it goes all helter-skelter... I fear a family tree would look more like a SERIOUS thorn bush! :eek:

You will have to post details about what it has/doesnt have, etc to know if anyone else 'has it'...

I usually describe MY SuperPADs by the board it has in it... WWE10/YONESTOPTECH, DK1031/DK1031L, etc...
All of those has(d) the InfoTMIC ix210 SOC... but how they are connected (and to what) is TOTALLY dependent upon who built the board.

Doubt this helps any, but please DO let us know what/how/how well it works! :D

Oh... and Id LUV to get a copy of its software, if such a thing is possible... :rolleyes:
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