Flytouch III - Dubious?


Jan 23, 2012

Ive been hanging out for a tablet ( specifically and Android tablet ) for ages and so i recently purchased what was listed as a 32 GB Google Android Flytouch III. Ive just recieved it , about 45 minutes ago, and as im trying to set up a wifi connection i happen to notice this little sticker on the bottom which looks like a glittery fruit sticker, proclaiming "16 GB" . Theres other odd little stickers on the bottom that look like an oval clock face with the letters "YT" in the middle. Anyway, upon checking the stats i find that the internal memory reads as ; total space is 14.8 GB , and the available space is 13.7. The internal device storage avail. space is 657 MB.

Does this sound right for a 32 GB device? Im feeling kinda dubious/dissapointed as i was really looking forward to using Android. Ive sent the retailer ( an Australian Online Company) a brief polite bit of correspondance, but i dont know where i stand as im lacking the knowledge.

Even the feel of the touch screen doesnt seem right, it feels convex , like theres an air pocket under it, like poorly applied window tinting? The whole thing just doesnt seem kosher.

Any advice/feedback/clarification would be greatly appreatiated!


If it was advertised with 32Gb then it should have 32Gb. Perhaps the vendor can explain/show you how to confirm this. If not send it back for a refund and make it public who you got it from.