Flytouch Superpad 3 Android 2.2 Tablet 512MB 4GB - EC Declaration of Conformity


Aug 31, 2011
I need a help

Does anybody have EC Declaration of Conformity, my ePad is at customs and its necessary to have EC Declaration of Conformity for import purposes.
Would appreciate it if anybody have and send it to me.

Once mine was actually shipped it only took 3 days via DHL to reach me in Clev Ohio.
Please, can you inform me if youu will receive Declaration og Confirmity.

Hi Marijop,

How did you end up solving the problem with customs? I am currently having similar problems with Croatian customs in regards to getting a CE Declaration of Conformity certificate for the flypad3. They said I must send declaration to Croatian Telecommunications Agency for approval and pay them 200 Kunas, otherwise I must send the product back to China.

I have seen this flypad3 advertised on UK ebay with stock held in London. So there "must" be a CE certificate out there somewhere to comply with EU standards. I am currently trying to get the supplier/manufacturer representative in China to obtain one and email it to me.

I would still like to know if you managed to get one?

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Yes, youu must have import licence issued by Hakom ( for custom purposes), and big problem is a EC Declaration beacuse in China havent it. Last what im trying was sent right form to manfacturer , but im not sure that all will be right. I have additonal problem because free time was past. If i solve problem i will inform you.
And is true that Superpad have on markez in EU, but that is not relevant for autorities in Croatia. ( for me stupid but.....).
Hi Marijope,

Thanks for the reply.

I will let you know what happens over the next few days.

The supplier in China (as a representative of the manufacturer) said he will get one in the next few days and put it in the format which HAKOM wants (the form is on their site). However, I am not holding out much hope. Even the people at customs said that he thinks that I will not be successful in getting a license.

Worst case I will send it back to China and start the long process to trying to get my money back (or at least part of it).

Anyway I will keep you posted.


p.s. My Lesson Learnt (at least in Croatia): Never buy any electronic products direct from China unless they can provide the CE "Declaration Of Conformity" up front and I get it approved by the local authorities first.
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Hello tenqpad

Thank you for help. I will try with this declaration

Hi Tenqpad,

Thanks very much for the help with the CE Certificate. My supplier in China is also trying to get one from the manufacturer. I don't know how many different manufacturers there are of the "Epad X220 Flytouch 3 Android 2.2" Tablet , but I can email Hakom in Croatia tomorrow to see if this certificate is acceptable to them.

Hey Marijo .... did you have any luck with this certificate?


Hi Croatia

tomorow morning i will see with hakom, but im think that is late for my superpad because the free time was expired before 2 days. But i will try.
please, inform me if you have more luck than me:)
Hi Marijo,

The supplier in China sent me a ROHS certificate and not a CE certificate so I could not use it.

I emailed HAKOM with the certificate from this forum, but they rejected it.

The supplier in China said that Croatia is too much trouble and is like a communist country. I think he makes a good point considering that the product is sold without problems throughout most of Europe.

I am going to the post office to make sure the product is sent back. Hopefully the people at ********** will refund my money as promised by their special buyers protection program.

Anyway, best of luck and thanks for trying to help.
