Force 32 bit usb drivers to 64 bit Win7?


Nov 20, 2011
Hi guys, I know that there are not any 64 bit USB drivers available as yet but is it possible to alter 32 bit drivers to 'force' the 64 bit OS to use them?
I need to use burntool, you see, but nobody I know has a 32 Bit machine.

Other than that, are there any other tools that can be used? surely Burntool isn't our only recourse?

Thanks in advance
I'm running W7 Ultimate X64 SP1 and installed XP Mode to run all my 32 bit programs. Works great, I'm even running compiled Basic programs I wrote on my IBM PC1.:cool:
Thanks spider! Ill try that in the morning if I can find a copy of it through google haha. Hopefully ill be running 2.2 by afternoon :)
Actually, you have two choices.

1. If you have an unused copy of XP, Vista or W7, you can install a 32 bit OS as a dual boot setup on your C:. This was what I did first and it was real easy to do. My problem was that I use my 32 bit programs a lot and I had to reboot my PC to make the switch from 64 to 32 and back constantly. If you're only going to use burntool occasionally, this might be a better way to go. (Note: You cannot use the same copy of Windows for both, you need two licenses)

2. You can install XP Mode on your W7 X64 system. If you do this, you'll create a virtual PC within your W7 system and install a 32 bit XP system on that virtual PC. The 32 bit XP system and the code for XP Mode are both free. What the code for XP mode does is set up a linkage between the two systems. When it's installed, you'd boot your W7 as usual and click a shortcut to run the XP system as if it were a program to install burntool. After installing burntool on the XP system, you'll find a shortcut to it back on your W7 system. From then on, any time you want to run burntool you'd just click the shortcut. If you go to and put "XP Mode" in the search box, you'll get lots of hits for SxS instructions, downloads etc. Here's a link to the XP Mode home page for starters: Windows Virtual PC: Home Page (I did this myself a couple years ago, so I probably won't be able to help if you have problems.):cool: Good luck!
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downloading xp mode and the virtual pc files now. I have Win 7 Home Premium and Microsoft don't seem to like that! I think I have found a solution though. I selected the professional edition so it will download and I think I can get it to work by editing the windows xp mode base.vhd file.

I'll let you know how I get on, thanks for the help Spider; I'd still be banging my head against a wall if it wasn't for you :)
XP mode is working well, slow but working. Just can't get burntool to actually burn a rom to the tablet, can't figure out where I'm going wrong.

Firmware im using is 1030, as you probably guessed, and burntool is 7.2. Any ideas?

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The slow may be because your PC processor doesn't support virtualization. Originally MS wouldn't even allow you to install XP Mode if it didn't and then changed their minds. Better slow than not at all I guess.:rolleyes: Sorry, no ideas why it doesn't burn the ROM.
Im guessing burntool just doesn't work through a virtual machine :( thanks for the help anyhow :)

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Android Tablet Forum
Sorry it didn't work out.:( At least you learned more than you wanted to know about XP Mode and you'll be the envy of all your friends when you tell them what you've done.:cool: You still have the dual boot option, all you need is a copy of Windows that burntool will run on.
Yep, ill be the envy of my whole street. Really useful to know though, im glad I learned. Just set up a partition, downloading a copy of XP to install to it (I still have a licence key from a copy I have since lost the disc to) . Hopefully I'll be back on track in an hour or so, with a sparkly dual boot system to show for it ;) thanks for the idea :)

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Android Tablet Forum
All done. Had to reinstall win 7 afterward though because it threw a tantrum, but I now have dual boot working as it should. The tablet is now also flashed and upgraded :) all is well with the world again

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Android Tablet Forum
That's great, congratulations!!!:cool: I'm glad you didn't give up and that all the work you put into this paid off. You're not a quitter, that's for sure!
Lol yeah. Always try to finish something once I start, don't like leaving things half done.

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