Force Closes in ADW Launcher EX

Apr 28, 2011
Just like the title says, currently (mainly today) i have had a lot of force closes in ADW Launcher. It is mainly when i open the app drawer. I do not know what is causing this since for the first day or two it worked perfectly but like 1 time. i have only 1 page with some a 5X5 app page, with not the whole page filled, and a fancy widgets home smaller on the first row 5X1. the widget takes a little while to open up but it finally loads. I do not have the tablet rooted, but am planning on rooting it soon (possibly this weekend if im not too busy). Does anyone know a fix to this problem? Also will a custom ROM fix this? and which ROM is the fastest? from what i have read, i have seen watery the fastest. is that true?
would someone plz help me out
thanks in advance =D
I had to uninstall. That adw launcher because it was locking my screen up when ever i tried to change app pages i wouldnt keed that launcher i installed ZANE
I actually like the ADW Launcher (but I have not tried ZANE yet - maybe this afternoon). I am running it on HC 18 and have not had any FC's on the Launcher itself. I have encountered a couple FC's reporting back on some Google apps, but not sure if that was due to the launcher/ROM/something else I was doing...

As to if Watery is the fastest, I don't know. HC was my first custom ROM and have been happy enough I did not try the others. Again, maybe this afternoon I will try out Watery and let you know. I just want to make sure I back everything up so that I don't lose progress/scores in some of my games.
Ok, yeah it would suck if u lost everything. thanks in advance if u do decide to switch to watery and tell me how it is. If you really dont want to switch, do not switch on my account. I will probably be experiencing in a few days on that stuff.
Well i think this problem was partly my fault. I was running the app off of tipstir's collection. It was not the most up to date version. I downloaded the newest one and not had 1 force close yet. I love all the new features from this one compared to the old crappy out of date 1 I had.