Forum Rules And Guidelines Of Conduct

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Staff member
Dec 22, 2009

Welcome to

The community on our forum are a great group of people that share Android Devices as a common interest, and the use we put it through every day. Some of us have extended knowledge and experience with computers and Android systems in general and we're all here to help to the best of our ability. This forum is all about Members Helping Members.

Before you start posting, please read these Guidelines. If there is anything that is unclear, or if you're in doubt please feel free to contact one of the Moderating team here at

Please Note: This is a privately owned forum. We, The Owners and the Moderating Team, reserve the right to accept or decline your membership application, so you are not guaranteed membership and your membership is subject to revocation. We reserve the right to declare what is suitable and what is not on

Advisory: All posts on are to be in the English Language.
Any post that is not in English, will be deleted.


"Guidelines of Conduct" on

1. No content that is considered racist, obscene, x-rated, or objectionable will be tolerated. All such posts will be deleted without notice and the member who posted it will be issued infractions and or banned at our discretion. This includes avatars, signatures & private messages.

This is a Family Friendly Forum. Don’t post content that you would not want your children, mothers, husbands or wives to see.

No Disccussion of Politics will be allowed on If you wish to discuss Politics go to
US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No Discussions on Religion will be allowed either. Please take them to an approriate forum too.
US Message Board - Religion and Ethics

Nothing divides a community quicker then Political or Religious discourse.

2. You will not violate a persons privacy by publishing information without permission that is private and personal. If you feel the need to do this, send one of our moderators a message before doing so.

3. Personal attacks (Flaming, Name Calling) on others will not be tolerated. We take politeness very seriously. You are welcome to challenge others points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully.

Please remember The Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated !

4. Create threads in the proper forum. Threads created in the wrong forum are subject to deletion. One thread posted in multiple forums or multiple times in the same forum (Cross Posting) is subject to deletion and/or issuance of Infractions.

5. We have a zero-tolerance approach on SPAM. If you post spam, you risk your account being permanently banned and your topic will be deleted. No advertising is allowed on without prior approval by the ADMINs. Posting in dead threads (Inactive more than 6 months) and/or posting material unrelated to the original post (Hijacking) is also considered spam, and may result in a warning or infraction for repeat offenders as well as deletion of the post without notice.

6. Do not send spam via private messages. See #5

7. Do not promote and advertise your affiliated websites, domains, companies, or services in any of the discussion forums. This includes starting a thread, replying to a post, or putting it in your signature. If there is any content on your webpage that solicits fees, we may have reason to disallow it. If a member is seeking assistance or looking for a certain type of product, the best way to offer your services is to send a PM. The only way people are allowed to advertise on this site is of they are paying to do so, upon approval. Please contact the ADMINs if you wish to become a Supporting Vendor.

8. Promoting other Android related forums in your posts, signatures, or in any way on the forum is not permitted. We are not going to stop you if you are providing useful information that we otherwise could not, especially if this is a device we do not cover, within reason. Unless an agreement has been reached with the ADMINs of, doing so without the mentioned conditions will result in infractions being issued and or banning. EXCEPTION: You are permitted to place links to personal blogs, facebook, twitter, G+.

9. No charity/fundraising posts will be allowed without prior authorization of the ADMINs . The Asking or Suggestion of making Donations by any member without prior authorization of the ADMINs is not allowed.
  • Supporting Vendors Who Have ADMIN Approved Links
  • Developers, cooks, and themes Who Have ADMIN approved Donate Links

10. Users may wish to make derogatory comments regarding the forum and/or disagree with the decisions or actions of the moderators and/or administrators, however, disagreements, criticism and the like are not to be aired within the forums. Please feel free to PM a member of the staff and/or management directly rather than air your dirty laundry in public.

11. Any abuse towards our staff and/or management will result in immediate suspension of your account.

12. Signature guidelines:
  • The maximum number of lines in a signature is 5. (to minimize on-screen clutter), and/or one image (no more than 100px high, 500px wide and 75KB in size)
  • Dev/Themer Support is allowed within reason. To be determined by the Moderation Staff. (we cannot control content outside of
  • Do not put any kind of advertisements in signatures.
  • Signature text should comply with our regular posting Guidelines.
  • Text links are permitted, but may NOT be commercial in nature. The image may not be linked.
  • If your signature is in violation of any of these new rules, the Staff may remove it without prior notice. Please keep in mind that signatures may not be overly-distracting, animated, offensive, malicious, racist, or pornographic in nature.

13. DO NOT advertise anything that costs money. Offering Items or Services to Trade are not allowed. Anyone trying to use to advertise any item for sale may be issued infractions and or banned, and their posts may be deleted. is not eBay or Craigslist.

14. If you have any questions as to whether something is acceptable, please message a moderator.

15. Regarding distribution of ROMs and kernels, all ROMs and kernels released must be GPL compliant were possible. Sources should be made available upon request. It is common courtesy to provide credit to whomever is due for your release. You are not permitted to sell repackaged firmware packages.

16. Do not provide links or reference to any warez, or illegitimate software of any kind. All such links will be removed.

17. In development threads, please do NOT ask about any ETA's, status's or questions about a release date. Moderators may remove the posts without warning. This is done to keep development threads dedicated for progress.

Note: These Guidelines are subject to change as we see fit.

Except for Spammers, We will make every effort to notify you if you are not following the forum’s Guidelines. Moderators and Administrators have the final word. If you have a problem or a complaint please direct it to the ADMINs instead of posting in the public forums. They will quickly take the appropriate actions to resolve the issue in a private and discreet manner.

Most of all....Have fun and enjoy the forums!
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