Found a Great Case/Keyboard


Jan 7, 2012
I just received my case/keyboard from ebay and it works great! I wasn't sure if it would work or if it would be compatible, but I thought I,d take a chance. It's not a specific brand, but if you do a seach for white ipad 2 folio leather case with bluetooth keyboard you should be able to find it. I had to use blue input to get it to connect as well as do a little creative cutting so the hard keys were visible, but overall I am really pleased with the way it turned out.

Just wanted to share the great find with you all.
Now that you have had the keyboard/case for a short while can you give us your opinion of it? Does it fit well? Are all of the buttons accessible? Have you had to make any modifications to make it work? Does the keyboard work well? I've been thinking of getting a combination case keyboard but have been hesitant because I'm not sure the quality of the keyboard would be any good.