Front facing camera for Huawei S7 Tablet (Ideos)

Does anyone know if having tversity on their fileshare helps any? I haven't checked Tversity in while so I don't know if it's added Android support yet.
I'm not as much as a tech guy as most of you, so my knowledge is limited.

The S7 is supposed to be DLNA compliant, so it should be visible to your your local network. I havent' figured out how to turn this feature on, nor do I know if it needs to be "turned on" or not, but I haven't really spent a lot of time trying either.

On a different note, and to my knowledge we're talking apples and oranges here, I HAVE installled Orbfree on my S7, and it does successfully stream both audio and video over both WIFI and 3G. The caveat is that I already use orblive on my Iphone, and have always been satisfied by the video quality. But on the S7 the video quality is lacking, and I'm not sure why. I know it isn't the encodes, as those are high quality;)

I also don't know if it's the fact that I'm using orbfree, as opposed to orblive. Perhaps they cripple the quality in orbfree, although that wouldn't make much sense. I'm just relutant to drop $10 on an app if the video quality is substandard.

I also know that it's not the S7 itself, as streamed video from apps like look very good.
People from Tango replied the threat on their website and said they got our tablet to start testing...
Is there a programming API for switching to the front-facing camera? Other vendors provide a special library for this.
Whoa I just noticed this right now! So apparently you have to remove the battery cover and then you'll find this small clear plastic film on the camera lense. Thanks a lot guys!
Fring is looking into it, hopefully they can get it fixed. You could use a mirror and still use it :>P they would just see a reverse of you.

Also there is talk about other software that may be coming out soon. Once we get our 2.2 we should be all good so dont sweat it right now.
well i got and update from the market today from fring and now front camera work for fring try it out
The front camera does work now, but either they are sideways or your own image is upside down. Also the incoming video breaks up pretty bad.
well mind works find the only problem i have is web caming with some one who has a phone i wonder if the firmware update they have on her will help
It's the same for the Camcorder app. Press the settings button and change camera (bottom left)

I know MSN Live Messenger has the ability to use your webcam, but will the android tablet too?
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There is a working camera app switching mod in the Development subforum.

Fring has updated their app with cam switcher for front facing video calls.
I have the stock Best Buy S7, downloaded the lastest version of fring and now my front facing camera works. Give it a try!