Fully updated android market w/o any root, just drop and install apk, 70-80-1024

Step 1. go to this link, and download the apk here, Free File Hosting, Online Storage &amp File Upload with FileServe

Step 2. put the apk on the your sd card, or internal memory.

Step 3. Run the built in .Apk Installer and install the apk you downloaded.

Step 4. run Market, agree to the terms of service, and enjoy the latest Android 2.2 Market on your Coby Kyros 7024,8024 and 1024 :)

Sticky please!
also Mkol posted (
Thank you for posting this!

Like others, the market closed when launched for me. I fixed this by installing the “GoogleServicesFramework.apk” from the .zip file linked in the other market thread. (Android Market for 7024).

The Google Services Framework allows you to link a Google account to your tablet. This was also my next problem – my tablet wouldn’t communicate with the Google server. I checked both “Background Data” and “Auto-sync” in Settings > Accounts & sync settings(as per another forum I found while searching for a solution, not positive you actually need to do this), and then restarted my tablet.

After restarting, I was able to create a Google account and access the market. I also successfully downloaded an app from the market.​

thank you very much Vergil44747 and MKOL for your post. I followed the instructions from Vergil44747 and from Mkol (see above quotes)now I have fully functional Android market in my Mid8024. I downloaded a couple of apps already. After following Vergil44747's instructions install GoogleServicesFramework.apk as Mkol sugested, I did a reset (with the little hole at the bottom next to the USB slot in the tablet) link accounts in settings and voila!! it was working. At first I was having problems connecting to the google server when authenticating my account, but after the reset and the synching of the account I was able to make it work.
Great work Vergil44747 and Mkol.
I would just like to confirm that tukan's instructions above work for the COBY MID1024-4G. I currently have both Android Marketplace and the Amazon Kindle app up and running.

Just to recap:

1. Install GoogleServicesFramework.apk (you can find this in the zip on the other thread listed above -- Android Market for 7024).

2. Install com.android.vending.froyo.apk (you can find this directly linked above in Step 1 of Vergil44747's procedure)

3. Reboot.

4. Register your Google account and have fun.

Also please note that before all this I tried RyanZA's z4root mod (unsuccessfully) before going through this thread. This may have paved the way though as stated in the Android Market for 7024 thread.

Thanks for all the hard work guys and gals! I really appreciate it.
Hello, I have had the 7024 for a little while and the market used to work
some time ago it started saying "the application google services framework has stopped unexpectedly"
can't use the market, tried uninstalling and reinstalling google services framework and the market and it didn't help at all
what can I do?
I've successfully installed google market by installing GoogleServicesFramework.apk, marketupdater.apk and vending.apk, but I can't seem to update it. Do you have to download the newest version then install it with the same method? If so, where do you get the latest version of google market?
I've successfully installed google market by installing GoogleServicesFramework.apk, marketupdater.apk and vending.apk, but I can't seem to update it. Do you have to download the newest version then install it with the same method? If so, where do you get the latest version of google market?

Just Google it "latest version of google market" click on the link for the market
But be aware that your tablet may not be recognized as compatible with many apps anymore if you use the latest Market version. I had this problem and uninstalled the upgrade the the upgrader apk.
Hey Just recently bought this tablet (Coby MID7024-4G).

Tried really hard to find a way to get Android market to work as I already had a Google account and wasn't really happy with just the
APPSlib way of finding APPS or trying to find downloadable APK file to install from SD (like Adobe flash).

This may sound incredible but I did not root my tablet!

I just downloaded the zip file identified from "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BrWSC2uiAg&feature=related" into my computer
and from there unzipped the " GoogleServiceFramework.apk , OneTimeInitializer.apk , SetupWizard.pak and Vending.apk"
directly into the SD card installed into my usb cable attached Tablet.
Carried out the installs with the APK install as per the video and reset my coby before trying to open MARKET .
After the reset I selected the default action as per the video and made sure I had a working wifi connection before starting up Market!
The registration went as expected and when I checked my account from my PC's web browser my account showed my tablet as aT-Mobile device.

Happy to say I can now download apps from MARKET.

The only problem so far is that it wont allow me to install Canadian Apps as Market sees my device as being American,

Hope you all find the same results.........And comment if it was a go or nogo for you!
The only problem so far is that it wont allow me to install Canadian Apps as Market sees my device as being American,

I think I've read somewhere that if you edit build.prop and replace the cdma/gsm settings for Canadian ones it may make Market uses the Canadian store... I haven't tested it yet tho.
im at the point where it appears everything is good to go... market works fine, signed in, I can see it all... but it wont install says download was unsuccessful. Any suggestions?

I'm facing the same issue. Installed fine, I can browse the market find but no app will download successfully. Found any solution to this yet? Anyone else with a possible solution to this?
Only two things to check.
First do you have a Google account set up with a g-mail address.
If so go on a desktop/laptop through a web browser log into
market and check your account info to see if there is a device associated.
If there isn't a device listed against your account in market
this means you didn't follow the installation instruction to the letter and
will need to redo the install (from scratch making sure you don't miss any steps).

Please include your device type in your posts so that others can get an idea of
your hardware and OS level.
In this way we can work together more efficiently to help each other past vender limitations.
Ok i got it to work, Now i get are certain items that says Your device is not compatible with this item. Any fix for this? Thanks
So that happens because of either ;
1 -----your devices geographical area which is determined by the pseudo service provider
(As in my case---- in my Google account the device comes up as t-mobile which is a USA service provider and
thus blocks any program that I try and load that are Canadian specific even if this is my geographical location)
I've been told that there is a configuration file that one could edit but the info I require I have not tried to obtain
yet as I fear bricking my device and am not really keen on rooting the operating system should this be required to edit such file.

2----The program you are trying to install is not supported by your OS version (Android 2.2,2.3,3.1.....as every different versions
have different abilities depending on base software versions and enabled kernel modules configuration
(what kind of hardware it supports and their functionalities).

Hope this helps!
Enjoying the world at my finger tips without the brick.