G`day all


Mar 31, 2012
G`day folks
New ausie member here and i`m going to be asking a lot of what may seem silly questions. I bought myself a cheap no-name chinese tablet for my birthday and now am trying to find out how to fit it to my old transit van as a dash/instrument panel. It says its GPS compatable so i want to hook it up to my gps as well.
Catch you round the boards guys
G`day Troppo, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.
troppo said:
G`day folks
New ausie member here and i`m going to be asking a lot of what may seem silly questions. I bought myself a cheap no-name chinese tablet for my birthday and now am trying to find out how to fit it to my old transit van as a dash/instrument panel. It says its GPS compatable so i want to hook it up to my gps as well.
Catch you round the boards guys

Just got back from Australia/New Zealand. Nice country but I could not get a cup of coffee with breakfast!
Hey Troppo, welcome to the forum! Sounds like you are working on quite a nice setup :)

@jbenham, not sure where you were looking for coffees but Australia has lots of coffee houses with some fine barristas. I got my knack for good coffee from living in Sydney
geckoT2C said:
Hey Troppo, welcome to the forum! Sounds like you are working on quite a nice setup :)

@jbenham, not sure where you were looking for coffees but Australia has lots of coffee houses with some fine barristas. I got my knack for good coffee from living in Sydney

Yeah I know about barristas.:) Great for cappuchinos and lattes. (what is the difference anway?) but could not get a cup of regular black coffee. Is it Aussie custom to have coffee after the meal? Here is the situation- We were in the hotel cafe in Sydney for breakfast. I ordered my meal and a cup of black coffee. Meal came, no coffee. 1/2 done with the meal, still no coffee. I asked the waitress and she acted like I was from some foreign country. Well, duh. I asked the manager, still no coffee. I went up to the barrista and she said she was too busy washing cups. Meanwhile, lattes and cappuchinos are going out the door at a good clip. I ended up with just water. On the Qantas flight back, they had coffee but not until after the meal.

@JB, you should have explained why
you needed the coffee so bad.:rolleyes:
I'm guessing, much like me, he would need a cup or two of coffee in the morning before he was aware enough to explain why he needed a cup of coffee or two :)
You are conversing about coffee like when you are sitting in my cafe de nook while the guy who opened the thread here, TROPPO, iis still waiting for an answer to his question !
You are having too much fun around the forum, you guys....don't forget to help!:D

Samsung Galaxy Note
idontknow said:
You are conversing about coffee like when you are sitting in my cafe de nook while the guy who opened the thread here, TROPPO, iis still waiting for an answer to his question !
You are having too much fun around the forum, you guys....don't forget to help!:D

Samsung Galaxy Note

Well answer the poor bloke's question! :) Troppo, welcome to the forum! My uninformed opinion is that unless your tablet has 3G or 4G you will not be able to do what you would like.
Well answer the poor bloke's question! :) Troppo, welcome to the forum! My uninformed opinion is that unless your tablet has 3G or 4G you will not be able to do what you would like.

Troppo, we are so productive here it takes us 10 threads to reply to your question. heh. evidently the issue of morning coffee is seriously a bigger concern :)
geckoT2C said:
Troppo, we are so productive here it takes us 10 threads to reply to your question. heh. evidently the issue of morning coffee is seriously a bigger concern :)

Translation, gecko doesn't know the answer to your question either. :)
i dont get easily intimidated by gps :cool:

That's because yours hasn't tried to kill you yet. They wait until they have your confidence, then they tell you to turn onto the RR tracks or drive into a lake. Mine was perfectly docile for years and suddenly told me to make a U-turn on the Interstate, because it's traffic report said the traffic ahead was heavy.:cool:

BTW Troppo really didn't ask a question here, he just told us a little about himself.
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Spider said:
That's because yours hasn't tried to kill you yet. They wait until they have your confidence, then they tell you to turn onto the RR tracks or drive into a lake. Mine was perfectly docile for years and suddenly told me to make a U-turn on the Interstate, because it's traffic report said the traffic ahead was heavy.:cool:

BTW Troppo really didn't ask a question here, he just told us a little about himself.

That's good cuz we do not seem to have any answers. :)
The navigations apps are not any better.. .I wanted to murder the lady who was navigating me today,. .she took me for a route i didn't know, but I trusted her and then she stopped talking, when she resumed it was too late, I was already lost and thanks to the old ways.. ..I asked somebody for directions, I made it on time to my appointment. :)

Samsung Galaxy Note