Game Recommendation?

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Dec 22, 2015
Hi guys, i would like to ask for a recommendation, i hope this is the right place. I am looking for something where you get to build something, a town, a village, a character, anything, and you contribute with that thing to a team or guild of some sort, something that really gives you that sense of being part of something, that you matter towards achieving a goal. It would be awesome if the game is open world or some sort of rpg, and not extremely time consuming. Im also not looking for something extremely pay to win. I also don't mind if it's ar (augmented reality) - i checked out parallel kingdom but i couldnt really get into it. Thanks for reading my request, i look forward to your recommendations.
I agree with KurtWood. Clash of Clans fulfills all the requirements which you have written here. I have been playing it for past 6 months myself.
Have you played it? Try dude you might like it.
I played it. I liked it til I realised that I didn't like it. Unfortunately, it took me about a week to realise.

The thing I didn't like was that i found it to be repetitive. Also I didn't like waiting to collect elixir and gold. And the waits just get longer each time. Only way to speed it up is to use crystals. Crystals cost real money. I'm too cheap for real money.
@ Brook Cherry Yes, Castle Clash is good too. Recommend. This game from Elex .
Maybe you can try my games like Candy Paradise Sweet Candy , and City run dungeon run game .
Dead Target and MIni militia is a game can play with out internet and can play with max of 20 people by opening hotspot and others to accept it. We like more by playing it self.
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