Gamepad Support


Dec 26, 2012
I'm trying to get a game pad hooked up to use with an app that supposedly has gamepad support but it doesn't detect it in its config screen. I'm trying to figure out how to get this working. I have the host adapter cable and the controler lights up but I have no idea on how to confirm it is in fact working. Started googling and coming across a bunch of apps and scripts but i figure before I start trying random stuff I'd ask. I'm using a super cheap generic hid usb controller. I did search a bit in the forums and google but stuff started getting technical quick and I'm not up on where a usb dev would even show up in the directory tree in android. Also are usb hubs supported on the input port? Would be nice to have a keyboard hooked up while the game pad is hooked up to assist with typing commands and such.
Keyboards, mice, and flash memory of 16GB or less are the only things that are supposedly supported by the USB port. There have been reports of people getting portable HDDs working through the port, but given the power requirements for using one it's not something I would recommend doing. As for what you're trying, all you can do is use what you've found and see if you can get it working. Up to this point, I don't recall anyone asking about doing what you're attempting.
Seems I need to find a version of joydev.ko that works with android and figure out how to load it. As for HDD's i would only try one with an external power source.

Well I tried a random one that didn't work. More googling, seems I need to find a joydev.ko that was compiled for the cortex cpu. Edit: Cortex a5 cpu.(found one for cortex 10 that didn't work either). Was hoping to not have to compile myself (as I have no idea) but will go that route if necessary.
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So I have yet to find a joydev.ko that will run. It may take some time but I'm going to give a go at learning android development as the driver exists I just need to figure out how to compile it for the 7036 telechips cortex a5 setup. Starting to wish I had made more of an effort to play with linux over the years. I've got the android SDK, 4.03 android and am starting to read up on rom modifications and how to compile custom stuff for android. If anyone has any preferred getting started guides, manuals etc on getting started with development & rom modification feel free to share them. Bonus points for the info being specific to compiling drivers.

Update - So tablet sees the controller, just doesn't know what to do with it.

dmesg output:

usb 3-1: new low speed USB device number 8 using dwc_otg
usb 3-1: device v0079 p0011 is not supported
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So this will likely be the last update in this thread for a while. I have done a lot of reading and it will take me some time to get up to speed on the development platform. I don't have a 64 bit computer to run virtual box on so I have created an amazon e2c instance where I have ubuntu 10.04 x64 loaded, installed the desktop, setup ssh and vnc, installed java and the adk. I'll likely be posting development questions in a more appropriate forum/subforum so until I have a module working (or what I think is close to working) I am going to leave this thread to be dormant until I have something relevant to post in regards to a game pad driver that works with my coby (who seems to not want to provide source - did find source and kernel from telechips that I will be reading up on and possibly trying to compile).

also - unpowered usb hub allowed tablet to detect both keyboard and game pad being plugged in (keyboard working, game pad not recognized)