GenTouch Debug Loop After Flash - mediaserver & tcc_dxb_service


Dec 11, 2010
Attempted to updated my new GenTouch with the 7800 Calibration patch, and now it just sits at the 'bird' boot screen. If I do a 'adb logcat', it appears it seems to be caught in some sort of debug loop. I can access the shell, but can't get the UI to boot.

Keeps mentioning:
I/DEBUG ( 846): Build fingerprint: 'unknown'
I/DEBUG ( 846): pid: 2696, tid: 2696 >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
I/DEBUG ( 846): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr acf0b200


I/DEBUG ( 846): Build fingerprint: 'unknown'
I/DEBUG ( 846): pid: 2695, tid: 2695 >>> /system/bin/tcc_dxb_service <<<
I/DEBUG ( 846): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr acf0b200
I/DEBUG ( 846): r0 80019000 r1 00000001 r2 acf0b202 r3 acf0b200

I've attempted to re-flash a couple different images, but always get this issue. Mainly wondering if the unit is salvageable. Almost feel like unit is newer then the update, but no proof.
Now using and getting the same issue. The /system/build.prop file looks pretty bare. Dropped in a different build.prop, and still no luck. Pretty sure I'm calling no glory.
You need to contact Augen for the NEW REVISION firmware. They changed their hardware. You were not supposed to flash this.
Thanks. They suggested I try this morning. I'll check back with them and better explain my model, tomorrow. I'd settle for a booting unit, over a modded one.

Thanks again-
shawdog, this is not the community's fault. Augen Gentouch changed their hardware completely without warning.

Flashing a modified firmware over the stock is not the problem. Flashing a firmware not intended for your device, however, is.

I'm sorry that I didn't pay too much attention to this before. I am not aware of any announcements made by Augen regarding this.
Opps, let me rephrase that... they = Augen Tech support, not anyone in the forum. I chatted with Augen's tech support this morning, and they said updating to version 3 would fix it. I was just thankful someone could confirm there was a 'different' model out there. So thank you.

I updated the firmware thinking I had the same model I kept reading about. I hadn't seen anything on Augen's site regarding different models. I had hoped to mod mine, but killed it before even really using it.
I have the 3.5mm jack model, with Model #=NBA7800ATP

I've run into the same problem here. I bought this device, tried to flash it, then it gets stuck on creature on top left. "adb logcat" returns the same output (looping over the two processes).

I suspect I'm in the same boat, HOWEVER I flashed from :\

Shawdog: were you able to fix it with the version 3 patch? Or did you do something else to get it running after flash?