Get a New Nook Color Stock Charge Cable Free


May 9, 2011
From xda

Get a new Nook Color Stock Charge Cable Free - xda-developers

As many of you'll know by now the Nook Color stock cable tip break easily and a stock replacement is expensive. To top it off its the ONLY cable that will fast charge your Nook Color. Well I have some good news. After writing a bad review of the cable on their website after my second one bent which I had to pay $30 for since the cable wasn't available separately then. I talked to a Barnes and Noble worker and they gave me this number
1.Call 1-800-The-Book and go digital products from the prompts then Nook Color.
You must have your serial number and the email you registered your Nook with. When you talk to a representative tell them you need a replacement cable for your Nook Color. After you give them your information they will ship you a new one completely free.
2. The fastest way is to go to or call your local Barnes & Noble and tell them you heard that if you bring a broken Nook Color cable in they could replace it for free.
Both methods worked for me but I'm 100% sure method one should work if and when you need a new cable.
Hope this helps everyone.

I called them and my free cable and charger are on their way home :)
... and when it gets there, there will be a note in the package asking you to return the old one. I did this a couple months ago. Now I need to do it again, cuz the crap cables have failed again.
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I contacted my local Barnes and Noble and the Nook Rep told me that they (at the store) won't replace a broken cable since it's listed as an accessory..which I find funny since with out this cable and plug your Nook can't be charged it's a very necessary piece of equipment. Anyway getting off topic they won't do anything in store. So I'm gonna try the number that was listed at the thread start. Thanks
Too late for me, I had to replace mine a couple of months ago and I paid for it.
They did not ask me to send back my original stuff once I get the new.

You're right, they didn't ask you on the phone. But when it gets there, there will be a note telling you to return the old charger and cable.
You're right, they didn't ask you on the phone. But when it gets there, there will be a note telling you to return the old charger and cable.

The first time BN replaced my cable (large USB connector cracked), instructions about returning the old cable (pre-paid envelope included) were in the package, and they also sent a replacement charger. Two months later, I had to replace the replacement cable (bent/damaged small USB connector) and all they sent was the cable. Guess it all depends on the service rep at the time.
The bad news: You can add me to the list of people with a broken cable. :( About 15 minutes ago, I picked up my Nook with the cable attached and charging, and the plastic on the Nook end just shattered. Apparently the weight of it's own cable was too much for it to handle. The light is now exposed, but it still charges.
The good news: I've already called B&N and they're sending a new one. :) I was surprised they're open on Saturdays. As part of the verification, I was asked for the last 4 digits of the CC I registered with. When I responded, "You're not going to charge me for this are you?", the reply was "Of course not.". 3 to 5 days and I should have it.

Maybe we can start a "Broken Cable Group". :)
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The new cord arrived yesterday. Just a cord, no charger. No charge.
Got my new charger and cable with no mention of returning the old one and no note asking for the old one either. Free Free Free I didn't need my serial number either; my phone number was all they required.
I called about a replacement and they were far less defensive about it this time around. It's like they've given up the fight for their product and they're admitting it's a crap cable.
Mine broke a long time ago, but it still charges. The plastic end broke, and the small usb ends flops around, but still works so i havent bothered with it. May just have to get my new free one now!
When you guys got your replacements, did you get the charger and the cable, or just the nook usb cable? If you did get the charger and cable, did you specifically ask for that, or did they just send a whole kit?

My usb broke, but i lost the wall charger part a while ago and have been charging via my computer. Would love to get the wall charger again without having to buy one :)
@yoink, he asked me if I needed the brick, (No), I have to assume he won't send one but he was careful to make sure that wasn't what I needed. Phrase you warranty request appropriately.

A bit of trivia for those with CM7. Your serial number, of course they will ask, is inside the door/flap for your external memory. (Just posting because I needed it.)