Get a New Nook Color Stock Charge Cable Free

I purchased my nook in Dec. of 2010 and my daughter purchased one approx. 15 days later. I recently had to call (for the 3rd time) for a replacement cord. They have always been very cordial and quick about replacing the cords. However, this time, my warranty had expired and from here on out, I'm required to purchase the cord. I was upset about this and the customer service rep suggested I take the cord to an electronics store and purchase a generic USB charger. I have read on other Nook boards that these do not work the same way. Just wanted to caution anyone trying for a replacement that your Nook must be in warranty.
If you can find heat shrink tubing, place a sufficient amount to cover the small part of the usb plug an to extend slightly over the USB micro tip. once the tubing is heated it will form a tight cover that will not allow the cover to break. if you want you can poke a very small hole in the vicinity of the charging light and when the tape shrinks, it will cause the pin hole to stretch and allow you to view the charging light. This method should cover a good percentage of broken cables. I thing I will still keep an extra prepared in the same way.
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I'm so happy that I came across this link yesterday while looking for a replacement cord for my Nook Color. My cord was steadily coming apart, but I thought it would hold out longer. It finally came apart about 30 minutes ago. Good thing I saved the info from this page because I was going to try this before "buying" another one. I am sooooooo HAPPY because this information still works!!!!! I just got off the phone with Barnes & Noble customer service and my FREE & new replacement cord will be shipped out within 24 hours!!!! Thanks again!!!
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I'm glad I came across this thread. The usb end of my charger snapped and I used the online chat with an expert...within 10 mins. I have a new one on it's way to me..within 3-5 business days. Fortunately I am still under warranty. I have been charging with a standard charger that came with a cell works, but is very slow. Thanks to those who posted the link here!
Just got through reading all the problems with the Color Nook cable. Problems, Sixth purchased cable quit linking to the computer to for data transfers, but will still charge. Using a different cable all to gather, I can link to the computer, but not charge. Call the Nook Store to complain and the they are sending me a different new cable to use to link to the computer, but will still have to use the nook cable to charge the nook. Whats with these cables?
I had already received a replacement in March when I stopped at a B&N store. Now it is failing again. I called the 800 number and they are sending me another set and I do not need to return the failing parts. What is the problem with the vendor that makes this connector/charger? Why didn't the designers allow the same charger from the original Nook (which I also own) to be interchangeable?
Does anyone know if this #/method still works for replacing the Nook Color charging cord?? ....I bought mine a little over a year started "acting up" & now finally died. Appreciate any updated info on this or any other new info on how to fix or get a new cord. Thanks so much! Chrystie
I just got one (arrived last week and only took two days to come) by using the number in this thread. They do seem to stick to the warranty though. Depending on how close you are they may or may not send a new cable. Otherwise they were very nice sent a new cable free of charge and didn't need to return the old one or anything like that.

Oh and new cords can be found on B&N's site, at their stores or by google searching. I think they are about $20 from B&N and you can find them for about $15 elsewhere. Just make sure it is a Nook Color or Nook Tablet cable since they have special ends that allow for full charging capabilities.