Getting Internal SD card to show up on my PC


Dec 27, 2010
Hey guys I installed the USB drivers from Huwaei's website and I have an external 16GB SD card installed on my S7 tablet.

When i mount the External SD card aka SD Card 2 it shows up fine on my PC ass a mass storage drive and i can nagivate through it and copy, transfer, delete,rename files etc etc...

However when i do the same to the Internal SD card the 8GB one that came with the tablet aka SD CARD 1 nothing happens.. It shows on the tablet that it indeed is mounted, but the drive never shows up on my PC.

Does anyone have a fix or a work around for this issue?
are you telling the tablet to mount both? you need to tell it for both the internal and external cards in the notifications.
If i mount just the internal nothing happens, if I mount the External it shows.. Even if i mount them both at the same time only the external shows.. I'm clicking on the notifications icon on the top right hand corner of the tablet that brings ups the notifications menu/taskbar.
Nevermind it worked now.. I mounted them both at the same time and now they both show up.. Maybe i was mounting just one at a time. So in order for me to access the internal card the external one needs to be mounted as well?
I think you can do one or the other, or both at the same time. just not one and THEN the other...
It looks to me, that I have to do this every time I connect the S7 to my W7 computer. Is this crorect?