Getting Netflix to Open on My Tablet....HELP!


Oct 24, 2012
Hello- I have a brand new Allwinner 7" 1.5GHz Android 4.0 Ultra-Thin Tablet PC with HDMI Camera Vivante GC600 3D GPU• 800 MHz DDR3 RAM• 2160p Hardware-accelerated video playback tablet and I can download the netflix app from the Google Play Store. The problem is when I try to open it, it won't open. I'm not too tech savvy so any help would be great. I have had no problem adding any other apps...and I've noticedthis is a common problem it seems for other tablets. Thanks !!!!
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Simply touching the download would install if not use a file management, app

Sent from my LightELF-9300 2.6-dev
I try and open it and it says select the type of file...text/audio/video/image ?Not sure where to go after that? I feel so close yet so far. Like I said I'm far from tech savvy.:confused: