Getting to SD card files on Vizio Tablet


Mar 27, 2012
My SD card content does not come up on my tablet. Before the upgrade my pics, audio and doc files (PDFs) were accessible on the tablet. after the upgrade my pics and audio files come up but not the PDFs. I put the SD card in my laptop and the files are all there. How can I access these files on the tablet (Vizio)?
You need to let the app used to open the files know where the files are that it should access. One way to do this is to navigate to the files using a file manager. Insert your sd card, open the file manager app and navigate to where you have the files stored on the SD card. Now long press (hold it) on one of the files so a menu pops up and asks you what app you want to open the file with. Select the app you want to open with. Now that app should see the other files in that location.
Is the file manager an app I need to download? Prior to the upgrade I just opened the Adobe Reader icon, then click all documents and all of me PDFs were there. Now Adobe says there are no PDF files.
I'm not that familiar with the Adobe Reader app, but some apps let you scan for media or otherwise direct the app to media from within the app. Look and see if you can find a similar option in Adobe Reader. File explorer apps are very useful and I recommend one anyway. Two of the popular options are ES File Explorer and Astro. These and others can be found in the Market.

Just pick one, install it then launch it and you can navigate the files of your tablet. Then follow the previous post.
For some reason my gallery just showed up! Watched it populate the nodes! Was pissed about HC, now I like it!!!