Good quality games for this base tablet?


Jun 29, 2011
any good games for this slow @ss tablet?
Seems like the only cool game that works is Angry Birds with bckgrnd disabled, not Rio, not season because i can't disable background fx.
I've tried, Toss it but it's no way better than the toss it in ipad or itouch.

800mhz and 256mb ram games.

How does the 1ghz and 512mb ram tablet do anyway, any significant change at all?
I had the samr problem on a cheap 10" tablet, 311 mhz believe it or not, took it back and got a Coby Kyros at Toys R Us for 179. The current HOT sub 200 tablet that performs like a 300 buck one.

Sent from my MID7022 using Android Tablet Forum
Are you saying that Coby Kyros works good? What are the specs on it?
Its a 1GHZ tab with 512 ram that seems to run everything I throw at it.

Sent from my MID7022 using Android Tablet Forum