Google Calendar Sync Issue


Dec 7, 2010
My wife and I got these as Christmas presents for each other. Last night I convinced her to let me get these out of the box and at least charge them and get the basics set-up so we will be good to go Christmas morning and so I did not have to do this while the kids were wanting us to help them with their gifts.

I have a Gmail account and we also have a domain Gmail account. I was able to get both of these set-up as Gmail accounts with no problems. However the only calendar that would show up to sync was my actual Gmail account and not my Gmail domain account calendar. Has anyone else had this issue and know how to fix it?

I also have the Droid X and have both of these synced with no problem and have both calendars showing. The only thing I can not remember is if I had this issue when the X was on 2.1. I know on 2.2 there is not a problem.


BTW-For the hour I was using these last night I really like them, I used z4root and had them both rooted in a few seconds. Can not wait until Saturday morning to really be able to see what this thing can do!
it is a 2.1 issue.

One thing to look at is pocket informant. Available right now as a free beta in the market, will blow the Google Calendar away.

Welcome the the Huawei!