Got my Tablet - help with Rooting


May 3, 2012
Hi! I got my tablet today, I'm just looking for instructions on how to root it. I have 2 Microcards Class 4 (a 16 and a 32). I see a sticky here for instuctions, but it's blank. I've googled around, but I'm not sure which to trust.

I want the one that I can dual boot so it doesn't mess with the warranty

Any help would be great!


Hi Kat and welcome. I've been meaning to get some instructions up but as you noted it is sort of a messy world for the Nook Tablet and I would like to just get some solid plain jane instructions up but haven't come across the best method for that yet. What you are looking for is a little different than rooting. In either case the Nook tablet isn't as well developed as the Nook Color and this is due to changes B&N made to lock down the Nook Tablet more than the Nook Color.

The warranty issue is really blown out of proportion and has become a selling point more than a point in reality. For the Nook Color it is really a non-issue altogether since the recovery is very simple and a completely stock unit can be restored at anytime so there is no difference between running an intermal customization or one from a bootable SD card. People seem to think "oh I can do whatever I want to my device and I'll still have a warranty as a backup just in case." It doesn't really work like that but fortunately the recovery methods developed for the Nook Color are so extensive that with the right help anything short of mechanical failure can be fixed and if there is a hardware failure they will never know if you did anything to the software.

The Nook Tablet isn't quite the same and you have to be willing to accept some risk no matter which method you use because you can do things to a Nook Tablet that make it much more difficult to fix in certain situations. I think things are far enough down the road that if you follow directions precisely the risk is small but the Nook Tablet is enough different and early enough in development that you have to decide if a warranty is really that important to you and if you are willing to deal with less reliable recovery procedures for the Nook Tablet. In my opinion the small risks are definitely worth the returns in freedom and usability of the Tablet even at these early stages of development where they are not 100% optimized.

Hi Kat and welcome. I've been meaning to get some instructions up but as you noted it is sort of a messy world for the Nook Tablet and I would like to just get some solid plain jane instructions up but haven't come across the best method for that yet. What you are looking for is a little different than rooting. In either case the Nook tablet isn't as well developed as the Nook Color and this is due to changes B&N made to lock down the Nook Tablet more than the Nook Color.

The warranty issue is really blown out of proportion and has become a selling point more than a point in reality. For the Nook Color it is really a non-issue altogether since the recovery is very simple and a completely stock unit can be restored at anytime so there is no difference between running an intermal customization or one from a bootable SD card. People seem to think "oh I can do whatever I want to my device and I'll still have a warranty as a backup just in case." It doesn't really work like that but fortunately the recovery methods developed for the Nook Color are so extensive that with the right help anything short of mechanical failure can be fixed and if there is a hardware failure they will never know if you did anything to the software.

The Nook Tablet isn't quite the same and you have to be willing to accept some risk no matter which method you use because you can do things to a Nook Tablet that make it much more difficult to fix in certain situations. I think things are far enough down the road that if you follow directions precisely the risk is small but the Nook Tablet is enough different and early enough in development that you have to decide if a warranty is really that important to you and if you are willing to deal with less reliable recovery procedures for the Nook Tablet. In my opinion the small risks are definitely worth the returns in freedom and usability of the Tablet even at these early stages of development where they are not 100% optimized.


That's fine with me - I'm just afraid of doing something to it that makes it no longer workable :)
All right, I have been needing to get some instructions up now you just gave me some more motivation. I'll see if I can get instructions up this week :)