Gotab 6" Android 4


Apr 4, 2013
To young people, the names of the android operating systems might not seem odd, but to those of us who have only been used to windows etc, this is a totally new ball game, but one that surprisingly enough, I find I have comprehended quite quickly.

My new tablet is a Gotab 6" Android 4 tablet with googleplay and 4gb storage. Yes it is small, yes it was cheap, but rather than invest in something expensive at first, when I was unsure how I would adapt to it, seemed the right way to start.

I have to say the size is ideal for me, as even when it's in a case, it is a perfect size for slipping in a pocket. (you know what they say, size isn't everything).

If anyone else has this model, I'd be more than happy to liaise.
If anyone else has this model, I'd be more than happy to liaise.

Unfortunately, there isn't a forum specifically for your tablet. If/when you have a problem or a question, the Android Tablet Q&A section would be the place to go. Just click that link and you'll be there. It's intended for folks who don't know what tablet they have and those like yourself who have a tablet that doesn't have a specific forum for it. Don't worry though, you'll have plenty of company there.