GPS Issue on A2109


Jun 2, 2013
Hey all- I just bought the A2109 as a in-dash car tablet. I've run a few other 7" tablets with no problems and upgraded for the size. I cannot seem to find a resolution for GPS on this tablet. I've tried everything on this forum with no results- stock rooted or ports. Currently running Slim. I've tried modifying gps.conf, market apps... Nothing works. It still see's many satellites and refuses to lock- and when it does finally lock, it is way off. I happened to find a post on lenovo forums from a lenovo tech that claimed there was an actual problem with the software and was fixed with an OTA. That is all that was said. Has anyone seen, heard, or found a fix?
My issue is I need "expanded desktop" and control of the dpi settings and UI. I'd have no problem going back to ICS if it weren't for those two. I just sucks because this tablet is the only one on the market I can find in it's size with the features. I had an A1 back in the day with the same type of issues and returned it due to the lack of development and support on Lenovo's part. $IMG_20130524_155846.jpg
I really don't understand what you are trying to do, I thought you wanted to run your tablet as a GPS navigation system, to do that simply start the navfree app.
I am trying to use navigation, I am just on a ported rom that has GPS driver issues. The only reason I am on the port instead of stock is because I wanted "expanded desktop" and the ability to change the DPI settings so things look larger and better for car use. I was just wondering if anyone had a fix for the GPS issues. Instead of waiting, I went ahead and bought a outboard bluetooth gps reciever and it seems to be working perfectly. Just lame that there isn't a fix for the onboard GPS reciever. I should have bought the Kindle Fire HD 8.9" instead.