Great Dev Returning to XDA


Jan 16, 2011
A700 developer, Vorbeth, is soon to be back in action after a community effort to buy him a replacement A700. Vorbeth went through a temporary monetary crisis and was forced to sell his A700 shortly after to make ends meet. The XDA user partzman set up a donation fund and was able to raise enough money to purchase him a new one. Keep your eyes open as things will be heating up on the iconiaN ROM and the custom OC kernel.

Also, for those of you with an A701, another dev has come to XDA from Russia bearing a custom CM10.1 with 3G capabilities. After complying with forum rules, his ROM is becoming ever more popular among those with an A701 as it is only the first of its kind. Reviews thus far are scarce, but the good word is that it is functional. Because of the GPL, this is good news for fans of CM10.1 as the 3G will likely be incorporated into the official builds soon creating a CM10.1 compatible with both hardware configurations of the A70X.

I'll keep you posted as more news rolls in. I'm thinking Wednesday will be a good start as that is when Vorbeth will be picking his A700 up from the post.
Yeah...Never got around to posting any follow-up to this. Vorbeth kinda left the scene again shortly after this original post. I'm not one to speculate, but we can assume IconiaN will probably not see another update. :) It was good while it lasted, though!