Greetings from a new tablet owner


Oct 8, 2011
Hi to all

I have just acquired a nifty new generic MID Android tablet from sitting thru some boring travel club presentation. I have wanted on to play with, and free seemed a good price to start.

Im sure its probably the lowest quality made, but hey for free its fine for now.

Couple of questions, hopefully someone can help with.

First is kinda funny. The thing came with a booklet, when I had a problem with the internet connection, I looked in the book index under troubleshooting. It referenced page 29. The booklet had 28 pages! Ooops! :)

So, first question, it does have an App market, but often, even when I am connected to WiFi, it says lost internet connection. When I go back to the browser, the internet is fine? Any ideas here?

Next, also pertaining to the App Market. Various sites I go to, google, facebook, dropbox, etc,. have a link for an Android app, and say how it will afford me faster browsing, but when I click that link, I get an error message, about not having permissoin to that URL? Huh?

Battery life. SEems VERY short, like an hour maybe? Does this seem about right for this level of devices?

Speed and response. The browser loads so so, but scrolling up and down pages seem really slow, and the touch response sketchy? Again, is this about what to expect on a cheapy generic?

OK, thats about it for now.. dont want to overwhelm upon my welcome :)

Thanks for a nice forum, I'll be looking around and learning stuff.

Later on,
Hi Diane, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. That certainly is a good price point to start with. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets as a member.

Sorry to hear you're having some problems with it, and I'm moving your post to the Android Tablet Q&A section of the forum. Someone over there should be able to help you out.

Good luck,
Hello and welcome Diane. Congrats on your first tablet by the way, hopefully we can help you here to sort these issues out. Just curious, do you happen to know what Android operating system version the tablet is using? I'm assuming perhaps Android 2.1 or 2.2?

Regarding your battery, perhaps try to install the free Screen Filter app (if you can access the Marketplace that is) which helps reduce battery usage. I'll be honest I haven't personally used this app but I have heard good things about it and it does have a lot of good reviews.

Having Wi-Fi turned on all the time can also contribute to draining your battery quicker. You can have it automatically turned off when not in use by going to:

Settings > Wireless & networks > Wi-Fi disconnect policy

That's bizarre that you can surf the web OK with your browser but are having difficulty accessing the Android Marketplace. Are you able to access the Marketplace on some occasions or not at all? I did some digging, and perhaps all you need is to download a patch. You might possibly even be better off rooting your device. However, I'll be completely honest with you Diane PLEASE only do this at your own risk. In your case since you got the tablet for free at least you won't lose any money if something accidentally does go wrong, but I still warn that you must be very careful if you choose to do this.

These are older threads on this forum, but perhaps they could be of some help to you:

I'm assuming your tablet model is LY-706, if not please ignore those links above.
Not sure if any of this helps at all, but hopefully. If not, I'm sure there will be other people here who can and will share some helpful suggestions!
Hello and welcome Diane. Congrats on your first tablet by the way, hopefully we can help you here to sort these issues out. Just curious, do you happen to know what Android operating system version the tablet is using? I'm assuming perhaps Android 2.1 or 2.2?

I believe its some derivative of 2.1, in the device info it shows build number WMT2.1.2_105, firmware 1.6, model number, generic

Regarding your battery, perhaps try to install the free Screen Filter app (if you can access the Marketplace that is) which helps reduce battery usage. I'll be honest I haven't personally used this app but I have heard good things about it and it does have a lot of good reviews.

I'll look for that, but I dont think I have access to the full or real android market place, I mean it cant even find Angry Birds ;), but it did find Kindle.. hmmm

Having Wi-Fi turned on all the time can also contribute to draining your battery quicker. You can have it automatically turned off when not in use by going to:

Settings > Wireless & networks > Wi-Fi disconnect policy

That's bizarre that you can surf the web OK with your browser but are having difficulty accessing the Android Marketplace. Are you able to access the Marketplace on some occasions or not at all? I did some digging, and perhaps all you need is to download a patch. You might possibly even be better off rooting your device. However, I'll be completely honest with you Diane PLEASE only do this at your own risk. In your case since you got the tablet for free at least you won't lose any money if something accidentally does go wrong, but I still warn that you must be very careful if you choose to do this.

Ya , Im very familiar with rooting, Ive done that to my palmPre, and to my sons Nexus s, not sure I want to go that route with this, but we'll see

These are older threads on this forum, but perhaps they could be of some help to you:

I'm assuming your tablet model is LY-706, if not please ignore those links above.
Not sure if any of this helps at all, but hopefully. If not, I'm sure there will be other people here who can and will share some helpful suggestions!

Thanks for your suggestions, I'll keep playing with the silly thing ;)