haipad m 701-R external storage problem


Mar 16, 2011
I just bought Haipad M701-R.
if I go to setting > SD and device storage, said my SD card is unavailable and internal device available space 261MB.
When I'm using apk manager, android status, and other application that show storage status... they detect my external storage is 1,36Gb..

I tried to plug 8Gb SD card. Cek again, that all application still detect my external storage is 1,36Gb. But if I go to setting > SD & Device Storage.. my haipad detect my 8Gb SD card.
anyone know why?

the other strange.. when I connect M701-R to PC, I got 4 removable disk..? it should be only 2 right? (the internal storage and SD card)

please help me..
does the device stop you from using the ext sdcard? or is it just not reading the size right and thats the only issue
does the device stop you from using the ext sdcard? or is it just not reading the size right and thats the only issue

I still can use the SD card... using ES explore I can read file from SD.
but when I'm using backup application like apk manager and others, they export the backup not to my SD. I must manually move the backup to SD. :(
actually, what happen is the application detect /nand directory as external storage, not the SD.
what firmware do you use,
What format do you use on your SD card?

the '4 devices' thing is not normal.
but the system info thing (internal Memory detected as SD card) and that backups are made to the internal NAND is sadly normal for me on #181.
It seems to be a matter of how the memory is mounted and i dont know how to change it without destroying it.
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firmware : 2.1-update1
Kernel version : 2.6.29 cbsgpq@CBServer #121
Itried FAT and FAT32.. same result.

someone said that the '4 devices' more like about usb/android driver on my PC.. he told me to try with other PC with win7. tonight I'll try.
what do you mean with "destroying it"?
looks like you are using a older firmware.
you might want to try THIS (the latest at the moment dont know the #) or THIS (the #181 i am using with Clockworkmod recovery pre installed)

what i try to say is that i can unpack the firmware to its basic blocks but i can not put it back together.
I can exchange the boot and recovery parts of the firmware with other working parts but i cant modify them myself. Others may be able to.