Haipad M701 latest firmaware: Android 2.3 (2G Samsung, Micron 4G).

For those in need, attached is a package with the .APKs from the 2.3.1 SDK. It includes:
- LatinIME.apk (default Gingerbread keyboard);
- GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk (used to be able to sync Contacts with Google);
- GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk (used to be able to sync the Calendar with Google);
- ContactsProvider.apk
- Contacts.apk
- Calendar.apk
- CalendarProvider.apk

Attachment: View attachment 2488
Offsite download: apps231.rar


You saved my life!

Thank you soooooo much
Can someone please do a nandroid and share boot.img and sytem.img
Or please do the bellow and upload the files? I need this to continue the development of cyanogenmod for Coby Kyros
adb shell
cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 >/sdcard/boot.img
cat /dev/mtd/mtd2 >/sdcard/system.img

Thank you!!
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Ok guys I need some Ideas because I can't get Google Market to work.
I updated from 2.1 to 2.3 on 2 different M701's(my kids). 1st one worked great and everything works including signing into google account and market.
2nd one loaded 2.3 fine and connects to internet fine but when trying to set up a google account says "Can't establish a reliable data connection to the server." I spent some time fixing this and got the google account to load onto the system by side loading youtube app(BTW, this sets up your google account on system if your having this problem.) But when I try to launch Market it now states that it can't reach the server?!?
I tried everything I can think of, reloaded the 2.3 firmware, downgraded to 2.1 again and tested market(works still) updated back to 2.3(with different MAC address)-Nope, reloaded 2.3 with the working pads MAC address-nope, reloaded with the correct MAC-nope, tried to side load all the google apps and sync(works to sync gmail and calendar)-no one the market, cleared cache-nope, removed google.provisions(suggested from different site)-nope, and about 10 different other things.
NOTHING else seems to get Market to work- ACK! I'm pulling out my hair on this and I don't really have much to begin with... HELP!

Oh and thanks in advance for your help.
Hi, i'm new to this forum infact i have a problem regarding the new firmware. I have a haipad m701-r 4gb with a 2.1 firmware. I want to upgrade to 2.3 but i don't know exactly if it is possible or not.
I also need to know the link of the firmware to download if it is possible.

Many thanks

Hi, i'm new to this forum infact i have a problem regarding the new firmware. I have a haipad m701-r 4gb with a 2.1 firmware. I want to upgrade to 2.3 but i don't know exactly if it is possible or not.
I also need to know the link of the firmware to download if it is possible.

Yes, it is possible. I'm running 2.3.1 on my M701-R. Links to firmware downloads, instructions on flashing roms, tips & fixes for after the install --> Haipad M701/M701-R User Group here on these forums.
Yes, it is possible. I'm running 2.3.1 on my M701-R. Links to firmware downloads, instructions on flashing roms, tips & fixes for after the install --> Haipad M701/M701-R User Group here on these forums.

I went to the above group but i didn't found the link for the 2.3 firmware for the m701-r 4gb. Can you please give me the link? and is it the normal procedure to update it?

Many thanks

Click on the Multiupload Mirror link, NOT the Haipad filehost link! Once at Multiupload pick whichever file hosting service you'd prefer to use for downloading the ZIP file.

If you have the 4 GB tablet with Micron chips (released in December of last year) you use the 2 GB firmware for that. Newer 4 GB have HY chips, so use the 4 GB firmware, which is JUST for those tablets.
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Click on the Multiupload Mirror link, NOT the Haipad filehost link! Once at Multiupload pick whichever file hosting service you'd prefer to use for downloading the ZIP file.

If you have the 4 GB tablet with Micron chips (released in December of last year) you use the 2 GB firmware for that. Newer 4 GB have HY chips, so use the 4 GB firmware, which is JUST for those tablets.

I went and downloaded the m701_2.3 firmware for 2gb and it doesn't work. It stops when saying checking crc.

When it stops at the CRC Check odds are you are trying to apply the wrong firmware. Try the other one.
I don't know what to do next. I tried almost everyting. All i know is that i own a haipad m701-r 4gb with 2.1 android i need to upgrade it to 2.3.
@Chris1982 - did you do the partition map fix in between flashing attempts? If it stopped on a "CRC Check" with the 2 GB firmware you most likely DO have the HY 4 GB tablet, assuming of course that you have an actual M701-R and not one of the "fakes" out there.