haipad mid 7ad and android 4.0


Jun 20, 2012
dear all
could i install or upgrade my haipad android to higher version 4.0
current firmware is android 2.1
i will very grateful
You won't get ics on your device because it's hard to a developer that will develop on your CPU. Anyway it will be slow.
Hello friends, I just wanted to reset my Honeycomb on my Haipad I extracts the files on the external mini sd card but after powering up it gave an error and then my dropad or haipad is not functioning, i can not see anything on screen it seems it is functioning while i connecting it to pc but it does not show any external hard drive. I guess i accidently installed the firware on the internatl mini sc so is there any way i can get back it to work? Please help!!!!