Handwriting recognition software


Dec 26, 2011
I'm running tap n tap light on my gtablet and I really want handwriting software. I have downloaded two apps. (Graffiti and writepad.) When I try to initialize, I get to the window asking for an ok on the permissions, which I click OK. But when I do, The box isn't checked, and the app doesn't show up in my input options. I have two other keyboards installed and they show up and can be accessed. I think the tap n tap keyboard is somehow blocking the apps. Any help would be appreciated.


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If you are getting those errors, it sounds like the apps may not actually be compatible with the hardware. I am not actually familiar with any apps that do this for the gTablet.
Both claim to be compatible. I get no error messages. It just won't enable.

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Ok. So, I've done some experimenting and I discovered that I can't enable any other keyboards and the three installed keyboards can not be uninstalled. This is aggravating. Any help out there?


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