[HARD MOD] Added 500 GB harddrive + on/off switch for hard drive

Aug 31, 2011
I added a 500 GB hard drive to the keyboard dock and a switch to turn it off when I'm not using the hard drive. The point of the switch is to save battery. Still want that amazing 15+ hr battery life.

Anyway, the pictures speak for themselves. There's no protrusion or bulge at all. The only thing different that you can see on the outside is that there is now a tiny switch on the lower right side of the dock. On the inside, I had to desolder half the stuff in there to rearrange them to fit in the hard drive.

Anyway, here are the pictures. Remember that all I've removed are some plastic pieces that serve no other purpose than to keep things in place. All electronic parts are still there. It's like trying to work out a piece of puzzle. Well, I've finally found a combination that works!

Well, here are some pictures. Now, I have a laptop-tablet hybrid with a 500 gb hard drive and 16 hours of battery life!

I highly recommend against this hard mod for everyone else but me. If you're going to do this, I take no responsibility if you screw up. The mod requires some very delicate soldering. So, please, don't follow my foot steps.

Anyway, as far as I'm concern, I'm the only person in the world as of this moment with a tablet-laptop hybrid that has a 500 gb hard drive. Damn, I feel special :D

IMG_20110902_144838 (Small).jpg

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So, I just added in a tiny switch to turn on and off the hard drive. Here are some pictures.
IMG_20110902_125334 (Small).jpg

IMG_20110902_142317 (Small).jpg

IMG_20110902_151832 (Small).jpg

IMG_20110902_145412 (Small).jpg

IMG_20110902_153223 (Small).jpg

Added by edit (9/20/2011).

Before you guys send off your dock to me, I need you to check if your sdcard is still in the slot. There are 2 reasons why you should take your sdcard out before you send to me.

  • There are some things on your sdcard you'd rather not have me or anyone else see. For instance, someone just sent me 16 GB of gay porn. Not going to mention any name *ahem*
    big smile.png
    . Next time this happens, it could be you and your spouse in a naughty video.

  • If I take the dock apart with the sdcard still in there, the sdcard slot will stop holding in the sdcard. There is a little tiny pin in the sdcard slot that's responsible for clicking and keeping in your sdcard. When I first took my dock apart, I forgot to take out the sdcard. The pin flew out. It took me a whole saturday to put the pin back in there.

    In other words, I now officially hold myself NOT responsible if I absentmindedly take your dock apart before checking the sdcard slot. And I absolutely do not want to spend another saturday putting another one of these tiny pins back into the sdcard slot.
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Great job, but why do it when you can plug an external drive into the usb on the dock.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
[...]why do it when you can plug an external drive into the usb on the dock. [...]
Because this would be an extra device to take with you and wouldn't be that handy and cool! ;)

@goodintentions: Great mod!
Great job, but why do it when you can plug an external drive into the usb on the dock.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Entirely your choice to either have an internal or external hard drive. For me, it's more convenient to have an internal drive.
Because this would be an extra device to take with you and wouldn't be that handy and cool! ;)

@goodintentions: Great mod!
2 week ago, an ipad user dared to say to me "you have an imitation". Now with this mod, I can tell him to shut the hell up.
Good Intentions that is th bomb hahaha!!! What are you gonna do with all that space??
Movies, anime, music, etc. for travel. I know I know, I could just have an external hard drive. But just think about it for a second. Instead of lugging around an external, wouldn't you want your hard drive to be inside your device so you don't have to worry about an extra thing to carry around?
Just added new text to the OP. Here's the text.

Before you guys send off your dock to me, I need you to check if your sdcard is still in the slot. There are 2 reasons why you should take your sdcard out before you send to me.

  • There are some things on your sdcard you'd rather not have me or anyone else see. For instance, someone just sent me 16 GB of gay porn. Not going to mention any name *ahem*
    big smile.png
    . Next time this happens, it could be you and your spouse in a naughty video.

  • If I take the dock apart with the sdcard still in there, the sdcard slot will stop holding in the sdcard. There is a little tiny pin in the sdcard slot that's responsible for clicking and keeping in your sdcard. When I first took my dock apart, I forgot to take out the sdcard. The pin flew out. It took me a whole saturday to put the pin back in there.

    In other words, I now officially hold myself NOT responsible if I absentmindedly take your dock apart before checking the sdcard slot. And I absolutely do not want to spend another saturday putting another one of these tiny pins back into the sdcard slot.
It's 'really amazing, man. Inspired by your wonderful work, I'm also considering to get my tab a little make-up.