Has anyone that has bought an Idolpad Plus lately have something good to share

If you've gotten an idolpad plus lately, would you tell me how you like it.


Well, I don't like it very much. First, no useful information available on their website, only links to buy items and service plans. Second, battery usage seems excessive. Third, no microphone that I can find, so why the front camera if you can't use the thing for video chatting. And why no mike, its a .10 part. A rear camera would be another .50; so why isn't it there?

No information on rooting this device. In the Android world, a very serious deficiency; and now my ability to display wallpaper has disappeared, The only plus I have found for the Idolpad+ is that it is CHEAP!

If you can afford more money go for the NEXUS; I'm sure it will be a way better experience.

If you've gotten an idolpad plus lately, would you tell me how you like it.

It is great. Supports streaming video without problems, excellent video viewing, good battery life, loud volume, OK camera, OK microphone, one heck of a bargain for $100.