Having problems w/yahoo verses gmail, and gaining entry to securities.


Junior Member
Nov 6, 2015
Have a yahoo acct, that is backup for gmail acct. Securities page will not accept any given password to get beyond this point.Can not change phone number,passwords, etc..Yahoo will not spam out the 200+emails that reoccur repeatedly....help
Welcome to the forum

I'm not all that clear on what the problem is. Could you explain it differently?
I originally started with a yahoo account.Too much spam,so I created a Gmail account.Left the yahoo account as backup for gmail and is tied to security page where I need to change phone number and passwords, along with regular changes. On this 1st page, it has my Gmail account and will not accept any password to go any further. Remember, my backup email is my yahoo account. NO PASSWORDS are accepted.I was able to change the yahoomail acct. password,,,yesterday.Any options Samsung gives me to recover my Gmail password DO NOT WORK. Always led to an error page. HELP.