HD Home Movies Poor Playback


Junior Member
Apr 20, 2015
I think my video issue is a little different from the others posted but if not sorry for the duplicate as I have tried searching for a similar issue. I am looking for an Android tablet with an SD or Micro SD slot that I can use to play back game film of my son's lacrosse and football games. He likes to review what he is doing in games to improve. However we are trying to find a solution to make this more beneficial by allowing him to review it on the car ride home while it's all fresh in his head. He wants to be able to recall specific moments to see what he could have done differently and also to better understand certain situations etc... anyway... The problem I am running into is I have tried a couple of lower end tablets and the video and audio playback is awful!!! The camera records in MP4 1080p format that plays back on my iphone 5c just fine. I have the ability to download the video from my camera to my phone but naturally that takes a long time and is cumbersome. Plus I don't have a lot of space on my phone so I can only do 1 1-2 minute clip at a time. Why am I experiencing such poor playback and what needs to be done to remedy this? The question I see the most is how was it coded or what parameters when the video converted... the issue here is there is none of that. I need to be able to play the raw MP4 video file back without having to do anything else. I tried to copy the files to the tablet internal storage using the preinstalled file manager and it allows me to copy the file but then when I try to paste in the internal storage it will not allow me to.

What do I need to accomplish my mission? Is there a tablet with good enough performance that cures my issue or will throwing a ton of money at this not even fix my issue? Do I just need a better app? I know people have mentioned this in other scenarios but not sure if this is applicable in my situation since these are just MP4 home movies that I will not be able to encode or convert. I'm trying to not have to spend a ton of money on something that is going to get lost or broken inside of a year or two... just being real here... my son is pretty careful with things but things happen. The video playback issues I experience is sound and video are not synced, in fact they can easily be 10-20 seconds off. The video will often lag, freeze, jitter, shake, skip, and anything else you can imagine. I will admit I have purchased cheap units... but the processing power specs seem similar to say a Galaxy Tab 3 or 4, so is the hardware that inferior still? Will a Tab 4 playback my HD home movies with no issues? Is there another unit that isn't stupid expensive that will play back my HD home movies seamlessly? Please help as this is getting really frustrating trying to find a good solution! Thanks in advance!
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There are several possible issues going on. Firstly there is no such a thing as "just" an MP4 file as the MP4 format can contain several different codecs. (my first suggestion would be to reduce the resolution in the camera). You will need some processing power so a cheap tablet may never work but there are alternative video players that may help. MX Player is a good option or VLC Player. They may, and should work better than the default player.
Reduction of the resolution is not ideal as sooner or later a lot of this will be used to create a highlight film for college recruitment as well. Plus like any other memory one saves I want to be the best quality possible. I guess the million dollar question is from one tablet to the next is say 1.3Ghz of quad core processing as good as the next 1.3Ghz of quad core processing? Any benchmark testing resources that might help to determine what tablet will give me the best odds for success? Is CPU more important than RAM when processing video or vice versa? Is there a particular processer that will have more success at playing video? Anyone have any luck attempting to do what I am doing as opposed to ripping a blue ray onto an SD card or something of that nature? I am hoping to stick with an android tablet so I can utilize video editing apps and then be able to upload to the web later etc.
I was thinking maybe looking at gaming ones too as I would imagine the use of resources is similar. Thanks for the link :) If anyone has more they can add please comment! Thanks again!