
Jun 27, 2014
Every one my name is David my problem is this i have a new tablet which is one of those allwinner tablet PC it has a 10.1 inch screen my model number is Q102 android version 4.4.2 my firmwre is v4.5 my Kernel is 3.30/ hc@hc-xps-8700#98/ mon Jun 16 21:140cst 2014. My build number is Fiber_q102-eng 4.4.2 kot49hctpok. I have been trying to connect my tablet to my TV through a hdmi cable but nothing works at all can any one tell me what my problem might be? THANK YOU for any help you may give me
I had the same problem, until I discovered the tablet had to be turned on BEFORE the TV was switched to the HDMI input source. If that doesn't work, see if there's a tablet setting that turns the HDMI output ON/OFF.
I have found that on some TVs they don't automatically sense the connection and the inputs would need to be manually changed on the TV as well.