Hello All - New to the World of Android and Need a Little Advice If I May.....


Sep 25, 2011
Well - I have just purchased a Google Android Superpad flytouch III and I am hoping someone may have some advice for me on the following topics:
When I went to download an app from Android Market I got a msg back saying something about the account I used (google account I created on my laptop) was not linked to a phone number? What do I need to do to be able to download apps to my tablet - I have a wireless modem in the house that I use for the internet.
The other issue is, what would be a good word processor/notepad type ap for the tablet to enable me to take notes etc on it?
Thanks in anticipation to anyone that maybe able to assist me with my questions.....
Hello Matski, welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here with us. I'm going to move your post to the Gome Flytouch II Variant 2 section of the forum where someone should be able to help you out.
Hope you were able to find resolution to your questions.