Hello all


Feb 5, 2013
Hello people, I am new to the android OS but not new to computing.
I was given a tablet for my birthday this year and am looking into how to do different things on it.
I have been working with UNIX/LINUX for several years now and was looking to see if/how to root into the android OS to see how it works, I know it is based on LINUX but anything else I am not sure about.
Also if anyone knows of a good shell app for android it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks much in advance.
Hello keswan, congratulations on your new PIPO S1 and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. If you have any questions specific to your tablet, the Rockchip RK3066 Tablets forum would be the place to start a new thread and ask them. Please look through the threads already there first to see if your question has already been asked/answered. Just click the link and you'll be there. Enjoy your new tablet and the forum!