Hello Guys I'm an Android mom from Florida!


Jan 4, 2013
Hello guys,
I'm not sure if I have did an introduction here but want to take the time to say hello. First off, I am a happily married mom of 9 1/2 years and I finally got my first tablet back in February which is the Lenovo Ideatab and have also gotten one for my 9 1/2 year old son which is the Coby Kyros tablet. I seemed to end up liking his over mine but I am thankful I have one. Looking forward to meeting others. God bless! :)
Hello Lascott77, you did introduce yourself way back in January, but I'm glad you came back to let us know you're still frequenting the forum and you're happy with your IdeaTab A1107. You didn't mention your son's Coby previously and I hope he's also enjoying his tablet as well. Enjoy the forum!