hello to all


Jul 4, 2012
I am new to android. I own an arnova 9G2 and think i love it. One
Probem so far
. I can drag n drop pics,docs and video but the videos won,t play.they are correct file type. I am silver surfer
And hope someone might help:rolleyes:
Hi annorrest, congratulations on your Arnova 9G2 and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Archos Home Tablets section for you. More people with that tablet are likely to see it there and join the discussion to help you get those videos playing. Good luck!
I am new to android. I own an arnova 9G2 and think i love it. One
Probem so far
. I can drag n drop pics,docs and video but the videos won,t play.they are correct file type. I am silver surfer
And hope someone might help:rolleyes:

Welcome to the forum

What type is the "correct" type? If you're trying to play them with the default player, what's happening, (or not) when you try to play them?
hello leeshor, thanks for reply. By type I mean the file extension is compatible. I have a sample video preinstalled which opens and plays from the videos app on home page. My videos dragged and dropped from my computer show in the list of videos with the sample but the file size shows zero. However the same video files show in the internal memory storage as having the correct content size. I know I must be doing something wrong but I had no problem with the pictures, music and docs that I transferred from my pc in the same way. Thanks for reading.
If the video appears as 0 bytes then my guess is that there could be a couple possible problems. The first is that the card is formatted FAT32 and the video was so large that it would have required a card formatted as NTFS. The second possibility is that the file was so large that the transfer from your PC couldn't handle it so it never completed.

Are you dragging and dropping on your PC or from the tablet.