Help - Dead tablet


Dec 28, 2010
I have a Moonse E-7001 Android Tablet – new 7 inch 3G Android pad which has a rk2808 chip in it. I was attempting to upgrade the firmware when an error occurred and now it will not boot and the PC will not recognize it. I have heard you could reinstall the firmware through the SD card but do not know how too. Can someone please shed some light on this and also what firmware I should attempt it with.

look for a rom that is suited for your model, you could download it here in threads made by tipstir and xaueious.
after downloading the said file, look for the script folder in your downloaded file, copy it to your sd card. insert it to your apad, then turn it on, wait until the software has been loaded. remove the card then turn it on to check if its ok. if unsuccessful, try to find other roms.

you could learn a lot here, just keep on reading previous posts..

i hope this helps