Help ID Please - Tons of Pics + Info - Generic Superpad 10.2 - 2.2 OS + 256MB Ram?


Feb 11, 2012
Hi everyone!

I'm hoping you all can help me confirm which ROM's, or ROM types might be compatible with my tablet. I'm hoping to be able to eventually upgrade to a 2.3 variant, or at least a better custom 2.2!

This was purchased used from a very unhelpful eBay seller, so I'm not sure at all where this was originally came from! :mad:

I have looked around all the popular forums, and none of them have anything similar to mine listed by anyone. I was thinking flytouch II, or superpad 2/flytouch 3, but the yonespad10 and wwe10 in my system info throw me off because no one has those together, some wwe10 yes, but no one with yonespad10, and then the Sawee (not 10) further adds to the mess. Sawee threads all lead to sawee10 threads, wwe10 leads to many various pad threads, and yonespad10 leads to app downloads only. I searched for just the infoTMIC number by itself too, no luck there either. So it really seems like I'm the ONLY one with this exact pad, at least the only one posting info about it and searching around.

I do plan to take this tablet apart to replace the internal microSD card, so if needed I can post internal pics once I open it up, but was kind of waiting until the card arrived to do that so I'd only have to open it up once. Hopefully we might not even have to go there, but I'll still be opening it up anyway so when I do I'll grab pics just in case I ever need them!

If anyone needs more info, ask away and I'll try to get it for you! I believe I've collected enough system info in these images for everyone to help me decide on my current ROM decision, or at least be able to direct me to the right ROM type so I can try a few flashes if my initial one fails. I'm very technically inclined, I build systems and help support many PC users on various forums, so I'm not too worried about having to recover a brick, but hopefully with enough discussion and the right info provided up front that will never happen! :yahoo:

I am considering flashing one of the ROM's in the following Tab10 thread at another forum, because after all my digging around, the ones listed there sounded like they might be the most compatible. My tablet has so much contradicting information in it's details, most of which isn't really the same as any mainstream in any generic Superpad 10.2 threads anywhere, so I've had a had time trying to decide what may or may not work!

This is the ROM I was thinking I might try first, Android 2.3 10inch gps Imapx 2011-11-14 android10

From this thread
Android Tab10 -

Hopefully you all can help me decide if my current thoughts on flashing the 2.3 listed above will be OK, or if not, help me find out which ones might work for me, thanks!!! It would be great if I could maybe use some of the ROM's here instead, there's much more variety here, so hopefully someone can ID this for me as one that might be compatible with some of the major Superpad custom ROM's ;)

OK, here's my tablet info, mainly provided in images as that seems like the easiest way to post it! If I've missed anything pertinent please let me know and I'll try to provide it as soon as I can!


All information is from the stock ROM after factory recovery, so 2.2 OS was on this tablet by default.

Red LED charging light near RJ45 port, 9V charger. NO LED anywhere when charge is complete, or when tablet is in use.

Device does vibrate when turned on! And factory reset works properly, using Power + Home + Front Button combo.

2 TF/MicroSD slots, 2 USB ports, RJ45, Mini HDMI, GPS

model : sawee pad - Not sawee10 + Yonespad10 + wwe10 (See images, a lot of contradictions)
android version 2.2 V2.0:#3048
Kernel root@jackie-desktop #6
build: ERE27


AC Adapter


Full Tablet 'Chopped Images


infoTMIC bootup screen -


Silver/Black Android Booting screen - Right before this screen, in small dot matix text on the left side, it simply says Android at bootup.


Default Build Prop


Android OS About Device - Adding this, because it says "Sawee Pad" for the model#
Please note this is NOT Sawee10 in case this matters, and this contradicts all other system info (IE: Names like Yonespad10 or wwe10 showing in build prop, BuildinfoS Fingerprint and model#), so not sure if it matters or not but adding just in case.


Full relevant Android System Info image (OS, Build Info, CPU, Memory, Screen, ect) - Please click to Enlarge, it's 1024x1752 and I didn't think that would be cool to directly insert

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No body can help me try to figure this one out? :confused:

With all due respect, we think that the idea is a bit risky to attempt to flash that unit to Android 2.3 using the linked firmware.
There are device limitations, potential CPU / kernel incompatibility, potential touchscreen driver incompatibility, and other issues to be concerned with.
You must keep in mind that only 1% of the tablet has to be different from what you see listed on that working device list, for you to have yourself a new paperweight.

Our recommendation would be to read up on what it takes to SAVE a device like that one in the event that things do not go as you had planned.
If there is a surefire method of replacing the NAND flash card inside, or if there is a back-up recovery, boot method, button sequence, etc. that can be done to bring it back to life - thennnnn, we would say, "go for it".
In situations like these, the old saying of, "measure twice, cut once" comes to mind.
Only, in your case, you want to measure 14 times and from every angle.
If you are genuinely at your wits end with the performance and simply do not care what happens, then have at it.

Please post back here, regardless of what your results are.
The more information that we can get catalogued - the better off the next person will be and they'll be darn thankful that you posted.

Thank you for your feedback!! And I don't feel disrespected at all hearing you mention to not flash the linked 2.3 ROM. That's why I wanted to ask and get some opinions before even trying, I'm not sure at all so I'm not offended at all by you saying to not use it!

I have used the button sequence as mentioned above, it restores the device to factory state. Does that mean I'm at least partially OK trying a few flashes, as long as I think they might be OK? I have not opened the device up yet, so I'm not sure what I can replace internally if I ever had to, but I do plan on opening it up to look. I got the device very cheap ($80 Shipped), and this is probably why!

If, no when, I do flash this device I'll be sure to post back my experiences and what did and didn't work for me, I know exactly what you mean about helping others!

Currently I've been considering Flytouch II ROM's, due to this users comment on my thread over at SLD, that is why I posted in this section here. I originally was looking at the ROM's in this section anyway, due to the specs of the tablet but thought a general infoTMIC forum would be best to ask in first. However, I don't see any 2.3 ROM's here for Flytouch II, am I missing them?
Help ID Please - Unknown infoTMIC - Tons of Pics + Info Included -

I see you are a vendor here, nice! I'm checking out your US shop now, maybe I'll just grab a 10.2" from you where I could at least be able to directly find out what proper updates may or may not work.
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Hope this isnt old news...
Do not attempt to use the Slatedroid version... it is for the FT3/Superpad2 with 512MB RAM... which you do not have.
The other... I cant read. I never trust pages I cant read.

If you have a well-running 2.2 Id attempt to get you to stay there.
BTW... do you have any free space in your LOCAL folder? Just curious... :cool:
Thanks for your reply!

I have not attempted to flash anything yet, I'd really like to, but I've been waiting and hoping someone else with the same tablet would chime in to offer advice.

Which local folder exactly do you want me to check? And curious on that too, why do you ask?

I do have 2.2 running, but it often crashes and freezes, so I was hoping to update to 2.3 or even a custom better 2.2 would be great, just hoping maybe those might work better.

I got this tab cheap, and that's probably why, along with being unable to find proper updates I'm sure that and the crashing is why it was so cheap. Might just have to sell it and take another stab at something used
Use Mypad to see your storage areas.... down in the lower left it will say how much free space is in that particular spot... (local, card1, card2)

I ask because I have one of these... there is NO REMOVABLE storage in THIS design, tho there IS in the SP2 (single TF card slot)...
Mine seems to have a really bad storage chip, and the local storage shows NO free space even tho nothing is in it... Mine, too, freezes on occasion but Ive learned to live with it.

If yours is the same way, you may be experiencing the freezes for the same reason. I do NOT believe these units have the capacity to run 2.3 tho I could be wrong. I was lucky to get 2.2 up & running.

Best of luck! :D
Sorry for the late reply! I've not been using my pad much because I'm depressed about not being able to update it, so I've forgot to check in on this thread.

I'll probably end up selling this! Anyway, I checked the folder you mention with mypad "Local" main opening folder and it says Total 511MB, Free 497MB. Mine had 2 TF slots too, but it seems only one works so the other is either damaged or needs a solder repair or something, haven't opened it up to look yet but I can tell the person who sold it to me has opened it before. I plan to open it sometime to see if the memory card could be changed out, but not sure if I'll even waste my time on it, might just sell it instead as it's just sitting around now. I don't use it much at all, not nearly as much as I thought I would when I decided to buy one.

Mine came with 2.2, and when I do the combo button factory reset 2.2 is still there as well. Ya, I've learned to live with the freeze, it usually only happens to me if I have more than 2 tabs open in a browser. But it's still a pain and I was hoping an update to the OS and or possibly internal flash upgrade would help (Faster or larger size). But, since hardly anyone has the same pad I don't know what my options are. Surely there was just more than our 1-2 sold!! Hahaha!
See, mine is 'mentally defective' and the 'Local' always says that there is 0MB free... with nothing in it. I figger that the flash is defective...
and Im certain it has ALWAYS been that way! :mad:

Anyway, I recently put

on mine, and it not only works MUCH BETTER, but even the GPS attempts to work! (Not sure it ever did!)
I could not get it to install by the SD card method, but it worked GREAT with the IUW program!!

Try that first before you get rid of it... Im SURE it will make you feel better!!!
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Ahh, I was wondering what you meant by your comments on that. Yes, that is very odd!! How could it even be possible anyway, if it was true it wouldn't be able to run anything right, or install any additional apps, ect.

Hmm, thanks for the firmware push! :cool: Are you sure it will flash OK and not brick it? I don't care about GPS, although someone might if I end up selling it but that's on them I guess and I'm not even sure if it works now as-is anyway.

Also, that looks like an older version than I already have, are you sure it would be better? I mean mine says 2.2 V2.0:#3048 and the one you linked says 2.1-update1 V2.3:#3529, isn't mine newer?

Can we open these up, copy/backup the original flash contents, and then restore later if needed? I've read so much info on these I'm lost and not sure what's possible and what isn't, plus some people say yes on something then others disagree so it's always hard to know for sure what's really possible.


Sorry, I read that whole thread now, and I see the later info where it does look like a newer ROM after the update. Now, that brings another question to mind, since he got the tablet flashed to sawee10, and if we both do, shouldn't that also mean the other sawee10 ROM's should then flash in and work properly as well?

When you did the update, did you have to update the bootloader or whatever it's called, like mine is - did you have to update that before you flashed? If so, or not, what was yours originally?
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Ahh, I was wondering what you meant by your comments on that. Yes, that is very odd!! How could it even be possible anyway, if it was true it wouldn't be able to run anything right, or install any additional apps, ect.

Hmm, thanks for the firmware push! :cool: Are you sure it will flash OK and not brick it? I don't care about GPS, although someone might if I end up selling it but that's on them I guess and I'm not even sure if it works now as-is anyway.

Also, that looks like an older version than I already have, are you sure it would be better? I mean mine says 2.2 V2.0:#3048 and the one you linked says 2.1-update1 V2.3:#3529, isn't mine newer?

Can we open these up, copy/backup the original flash contents, and then restore later if needed? I've read so much info on these I'm lost and not sure what's possible and what isn't, plus some people say yes on something then others disagree so it's always hard to know for sure what's really possible.


Sorry, I read that whole thread now, and I see the later info where it does look like a newer ROM after the update. Now, that brings another question to mind, since he got the tablet flashed to sawee10, and if we both do, shouldn't that also mean the other sawee10 ROM's should then flash in and work properly as well?

When you did the update, did you have to update the bootloader or whatever it's called, like mine is - did you have to update that before you flashed? If so, or not, what was yours originally?

If your board is a WWE-101 it is surely gonna work... OF COURSE make sure you have it plugged in if/when you do it.
Alot of the time it would NOT load/run/install... and sometimes after I installed something, it would 'disappear'.
I have had SOOOO MANY different U0s I cannot remember what the original was. Most of the time it would not even install most of the firmwares I tried...
After awhile it got to be... " WHICH COMBINATION of software will FIT in this POS?'
IF I recall Ive had but the others escape me...

It is my belief that INFOTMIC went to Hitachi and said "We dont care WHAT condition they're in... we want ALL the 2GB FLASH chips ya got, as long as they're CHEAP! ':eek:
So they paid for the dregs of Hitachi's barrell and I got one of 'em!
In that thread I mentioned that I attempted install it by SD card but had to do the IUW program to make it work.... likely due to the storage issue(s).
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner!! I've been busy, and reluctant to open this up to verify the board so I can know for sure if that firmware is going to work or not.

How risky is it to open? I've seen how it's done, and am not scared of electronics or anything, just worried about cracking the screen or something like that. I've replaced laptop screens, but I'm sure these are much more fragile.

I also need to find out, possibly from you, if I need to use a certain U0s to be able to update to this? Hopefully I'll be able to do it all from a flash card, and the issues you had were just due to the storage issue, because I don't have a cable right now and all the ones I see on ebay are power only (Two pin). Not sure if I have any spare cables around here to make my own, so was looking around to buy but can't find anyone selling proper cables.

I might just give up and not take all this risk, and just sell it. I was thinking about $80, do you think it's worth that?
SO VERY SORRY for not getting back to this earlier!
NOT very risky to open... just have to be careful and PATIENT!
Get the screws out,
Get the STYLUS out,
Use a paring knife (penknife, or something like that... small and sharp),
(My preference)
Start at the TOP, between the speaker and the GPS connection,
gently pry the silver edge WITH YOUR FINGER enough to get the knife blade in,
and lift up on it enough for your finger to keep it up. That area is THIN, so dont pull up TOO MUCH!
Continue to move the knife blade right, NOT TOO DEEP, past the buttons and right speaker.
Continue down the RIGHT SIDE, gently lifting up on the side till it pops loose.
(EACH SIDE has a 'tab' area around the middle of the side that fits into a slot on the screen mount... you are simply making enough space for it to pop out.)
When you get to the bottom edge you MUST BE VERY CAREFUL, as the ribbon connector for the touchscreen is located between the reset button and the screw hole.
By this time, it is likely that you can separate the screen from the case... but dont lift the lower edge too much... too fast, for the above reason!
SLIDE the screen slightly toward the speakers so that you can get to the t/s ribbon connector without alot of stress on it... gently release the black sliding retainer and you can then gently pull the ribbon out...

I think you can handle the rest. :rolleyes:

(I cannot tell you HOW MANY TIMES Ive done this recently!)

As long as it will boot COMPLETELY, I would say its still worth $80.

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