Help! Is my Lenovo LePad bricked after z4root "unroot"


Jul 4, 2011

I am currently in a very unhappy state... I had used z4root and successfully gained temporary and later permanent root. Everything fine except that after rooting the device would not always shut down when I chose "power off". So I selected the "unroot" action in z4root, and now the device only shows the "Lenovo" logo - that's it. Connecting via USB to a Windows PC that had the "LeZone" Software including drivers installed will only make windows show "Lenovo Lepad for synchronization interface" detected and then the hardware assistent is popping up, not able to find drivers (the drivers were working before).

Anyone know what I could do to get it working again? :(


PS: I tried pressing the + button while booting. The screen then shows

USB init ept @ 0xe002f000
-- reset --
-- portchange --
-- suspend --
-- reset --
-- portchange --
-- reset --
-- portchange --
STALL GET_DESCRIPTOR 128 6 1006 0 18
-- reset --
-- portchange --
-- reset --
-- portchange --
Last edited:
I've now reinstalled "LeZone" (includes the drivers), and now Windows reports "Android" as a new device, but it can't find a suitable driver. The messages with "-- ...text... --" seem to come from USB debug output (not 100% certain about the "-- suspend --" I see when not connected to PC via USB).

Sorry for the typos above. Still quite upset :(