Help! I've got no sound.


Nov 10, 2010
Hi folks. Latest newbiw here so forgive me if this already been requested but....
i have barely any sound via the speakers on my Flytouch 2.
Sound seems to be fine through headphones but barely audable via the speakers.
As a gesture of thanx for any assistance, just ask me and i'll try to help with any questions in return. I might be a tablet newbie but i know phones and computers.
Yea that is worst Sweep29. I've got the same problem here with my HTC Advantage X7500, you might think... that's something different than a FlyTouch2 ? Yes... but the problem is the same, you see, when you plugin headphones, some trigger in the connector gets activated to bypass the speakers and route the sound to the headphones. In order to restore your sound you need to lift that trigger inside the connector, I wish you good luck !
No M8. it's definately crappy speakers. tried a new pair of internal laptop speakers hardwired into tablet (removed crappy ones) and sound MUCH better! :0)
Hi Sweep29, I'm glad you've found a way to fix this, yet I kinda doubt this is the real solution, keep in mind that the connector in the plug probably is the cause, many other electronic devices have this problem. Anyway, if it works it works ! :)