Help me recover email synchronization please !!


Oct 6, 2012
:confused: My email synchronization has gone weird:

Ever since I got my TF700, I have been able to get email notifications right up there on the main screen.
Everything was "synced" perfectly and worked like a charm, until recently! :(

Now, I don't receive email notifications anymore and when I go to the settings and verify accounts/sync ... it shows that the syncing is deactivated.
So, I check (tap) on that to sync but when I return later, it always shows that it is still deactivated.

What's going on and how can I save the settings I have chosen to have the email sync all the time, without having to do it manually ... ?

I am very confused as to why this is happening.

Help would be nice !

Thank you !!
Please ... someone .... help !

I thought this may be helpful: the TF700 is on Android 4.11.

Just in case it makes a difference, we never know.

Any brave soul(s) yet??
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I have no idea why it won't sync automatically. You might want to go to settings - apps - running and find the mail app, tap it and tell it to clear the cache, force close it then restart your TF700. If that doesn't get it going you could try a hard reset or possibly delete the account and restart then put the account back in again.
Thank you so very much, leeshor !
How do you do a hard reset? Is this with the volume +ON-OFF switch?

I will try your suggestions !

UPDATE: It hasn't worked ... so now I think I will try this hard reset.

UPDATE No. 2: Still the same problem after hard reset ... the email sync is still not syncing automatically.
The notification (menu) still shows a greyed out "circle with rotating arrows".

I just don't know what do anymore.
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Just got back from ASUS on the phone: this is a "known issue" with Google and they (ASUS) are waiting for a "patch" which seemingly will solve this email sync problem.
The tech assures me that this is not an ASUS problem, rather it is a Android thing which Google handles.
In the meantime, I am told to "be patient" and the best thing he suggests is to check with Google "periodically" until they have the fix.

I am not sure whether I am being taken for a ride, but that is pretty much the explanation I am getting from ASUS.

Now, there is no apparent solution as far as I can see/read throughout several forums.
What is your firmware build number?

Settings - About - Build

SHould have some numbers (like