Help needed


Dec 15, 2010
I recently purchased a "Touch Tablet Internet Media Player 2Gb Google Android Os - ROCKCHIP CPU" on amazon. Turned out to be from China. Thought it would be a cheaper alternative to a ipad for my teenage daughter for christmas. Got it home and works fine with the exception of the Android Market is not one I recognize from my Android phone. It doesn't have any apps that she will desire. The youtube does not work. Tried setting up email and failed. I can connect to things on the browser fine but all preinstalled apps are from China and going to be useless to her. It is using version 1.6 and I have read doing a upgrade to 1.9 sometimes fixes some problems but If I could get some information on how to do this, if it works, and anything else I can do to improve it I would be much appreciative. Keep in mind I am not computer savvy at all so very patient. :)