Help: Nextbook 6 won't recognize ebook/mp3/jpg files from SD card


Sep 21, 2011
I hope someone can help me.

I bought a Nextbook 6 from Big Lots on sale yesterday, with Android 2.1. (New, not factory refurbished.) So far it seems to be working fine, but I have a rather troublesome issue.

It has a SD slot for memory expansion. I put a HP 8gb SD Card in. The device recognizes the card, and even saved the Amazon Kindle app to said card.

However, it won't show any mp3s, ebooks or pictures I put on the SD card. I loaded the SD card up, by connecting the tablet to my computer with the included cord. Transferred the files over and saw them there. When I opened the included eReader, it only showed the 25 books it came with. It also only showed the 3 mp3s it came with and stock photos.

When I hooked it up to my computer again, transferred the ebooks/music/pictures to the pre-made folders in the internal memory, it recognized all of them.

Can anyone please help me, and possibly explain how I can get the device to see the files on the SD card?
Are you using an app like gallery to try to see the files on the card?

If so, some apps only see files in pre-defined folders.

Verify that the files exist on the card using a file manager application like ES file manager...if the file is there, then touch it to launch an app to play or view the file.

Let us know what happens...
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One other thing to check for your ebooks; the format of the ebook must be one that is supported by your ereader. e.g. The kindle reader will not "show/find" ebooks in .epub format but will show ebooks in. Mobi format.

Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Android Tablet Forum
Hm. I picked one of these jewels up for my mother-in-law from Big Lots too.

I haven't tried the e-books or music yet, but I did put some videos on a 8Gig Sandisk SD card in a folder called "video" and the Next6 found them ok.

I transferred mine using the built-in SD card reader in my laptop. No idea if doing it through the device does anything different, although I doubt it.

I've got some e-pub books, so I'll try to figure that out later and I'll let you know if I make any progress.
Trying to add this device to the Android winusb.inf file to access it through adb... The hardware ID in windows is crap

This is the most infuriating device I've ever had the displeasure to handle, it won't even let me install Astro or any other file manager, I get a "Parse Error There is a problem parsing the package." I'm trying to get the Google Play store loaded on this thing.