Help..!! Please..!!!


Jun 30, 2011
there is no support for my chinese tablet, it is called ATVIO SmartPad 2, the model is mid7108sc.

Wal-Mart sells them here in Mexico, but they don't give any support or warranty after 15 days, and I almost have 1 year with it.

The problem here is I installed an app that was not in the market, I downloaded it from FileCrop, it is called NovoTools 7, I accidentally touched an option to reboot in CWM Recovery Mode, the screen turned black and then I realized that my tablet just booted on CWM Recovery Mode, I just tried to reboot it, but just rebooted to CWM Recovery Over and Over. The sistem seemed to be erased.

So i thought it was good time to Uprade it to Jelly Bean, since there is no support. The problem is that when I installed it, via Live Suit; Touch does not work and Hardware buttons are not
working right, but the power button works normally. When I boot it in Recovery mode, hardware buttons work normally.

My tablet was running ICS 4.0.7 when I got it out of the box, and if someone has a backup on .IMG format of that, or can PLEASE help me, just tell me what do I need to to or what do You need to know, so I can Recover it. Cause when I try to install something Via Recovery mode, SD/ External-> IS NOT WORKING, just says "Installation aborted."

I don't know much about android and I'm a noob at this, but if someone can help me please, I would appreciate it a lot, I didn't spent a lot of money on my tablet but I'm not a rich person that can buy another one so, I'm really worried about my tablet :( ........

The tablet can boot on jelly bean, touch doesn't work, hardware buttons work, can boot it to recovery mode, can connect to livesuit and i don't know what else u need to help me.

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Well at this state it looks like your touch drivers are different then the livesuit image. Note: using livesuit is or was not a good idea, cos it bricks devices!.
Right now you have 2 options:
1. use your device in this state with a usb mouse. ( it must be working while no touch)
2. Find someone with the same model device build. This to have a system backup to restore your device. This can also be done with the livesuit image, but it's a long story I've heard.

Note: with device build I mean not only as it looks but the hard and firmware on it. As this may differ on some devices even it's the same model!.