Help! Rooting/Getting Android Market on a Kryos 8125


Oct 25, 2011
Alright, I am having some problems and I am going to explain, in detail, whats wrong.

I need the Android Market on my Kryos (8125). I did some research and found it should work with the 7033 < Or w/e >. So I preformed the Root method and it did not work and i restored. <Fast Boot although is corrupted but I can factory reset> When I tried the first few times I failed. After getting it to work, with old android market (And goggle services and crap) I noticed the WiFi would go out and i was getting no internet connect. It said I was connect to the wifi, yes, but when I turned WiFi off and then tried turning back on (On my device) it would take 2 minutes and then it would say error. I can get this to work without rooting but I need to get WiFi to stay on ALL TIMES. If I cant get this to work, I am take the thing to the shooting range and and put some lead in it.


Before Hand:
1. Turn USB Debugging On
2. Put files on Device SD Card
3. Turn WiFi On
4. Make Backups

1. Google Service Framework
2. One Time Init
3. Setup Wizard
4. OLD Market

6. Setup The Google Launcher

7. Reboot

8. Start Market
9. Setup Market

10. Use for 5 Mins

11. WiFi Screwed Up

12. Reboot

13. Use For 5 Mins

14. WiFi Screwed Up

15. Goto BEFORE INSTALL (Beforehand Steps) and Repeat



Brand/Make: Coby Kryos
Model: 8125
Recovery: Factory Reset Works/Fastboot is Corrupted
Adroid Market: Not Installed anymore

If anyone can help me, THANK YOU
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Can you check the versions of GoogleServicesFramework.apk and Vending.apk (Market)? Go to Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications, find them, tap once and note the version in the top left corner.

If it's not 2.3, try to find a package with GoogleServicesFramework in this version, and I suggest Market at least 2.3 (I think you only need these too in order to download from Market).
Service > 2.2
Gonna Try it (This isnt just for me, its for all of you who have model1825's. After this ima put up a guide for you guys :3)
"Application Not Installed" :(
I wonder if i can photoshop a quick RED and WHITE Photo That looks like a round target.

Vending Installs, Google...NOPE

Thanks for trying to help me.
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Older Version Installed..................................................... Im really getting pissed now.
Remove all versions and try to install in a certain order. If it fails, remove the one installed and install in the other sequence.

Edit: if it still fails, try downloading ZipSigner2 from somewhere else then sign GoogleServiceFramework to your "platform", then try installing it again.
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If even after removing every Google-related apk and rebooting it fails, then try to sign it using ZipSigner2.
I kinda need a direct link seeing as i kinda dont have android market anymore
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Ok, so I got the new google framework and the new market you sent me. The market force closes so i downgraded, but this still doesn't solve my WiFi problems. The Wifi is still messed up :( And it was doing it w/o google framework installed, but with google framework it makes it turn off and glitch faster
Ok, so I got the new google framework and the new market you sent me. The market force closes so i downgraded, but this still doesn't solve my WiFi problems. The Wifi is still messed up :( And it was doing it w/o google framework installed, but with google framework it makes it turn off and glitch faster

if you talking about wifi limit to .50mbps after going to sleep this is fixed with advanced wifi lock free from market.

Never got 2.XX market to work on 7022 without force closes. The newest market 3.17 i think works great. I posted signed apk in the want the new market thread (Also 1.XX but that market kinda sucks)