Help with Recovery Coby Kyros MID 7048

In case of having to use the Vold in order that the tablet reads the micro sd as card sd.

¿Can I change the micro sd freely (example today to change one of 2GB into one of 8GB) and already, or I need to realize something more?
Your pics shows it worked your sdcard is mounted, my method fixed your sdcard as it is mounted, so I don't know what you are trying to do.

Sent from my Coby 7036 Android Tablet
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This " SD Card " is my external card, to which I can accede across explorers of files, on the other hand my memory there hospitalizes who the explorer of files is called me SD Card, (and not Ext_Sd that is my external memory), I cannot deposit her, says SD Card empty, unmounted or not present (/sdcard/)
Or if I cannot enter mas to my internal memory,¿to do that the tablet reads the Micro SD as Internal Memory is not it possible true?
Or if I cannot enter mas to my internal memory,¿to do that the tablet reads the Micro SD as Internal Memory is not it possible true?

I dont understand you, your pic shows your internal sdcard mounted remove your micro sdcard reboot and then post pic.