Help with screen keypad please


Feb 22, 2011
I have been having problems with Asian letters apearing above keyboard and pages show up in Asian, the keyboard is English It will go away not sure way but comes back. I keep setting the keyboard locale to English United States
but it does not help. Can anyone tell me how to fix problem. Also is there any way to change setting on the weather wiget to not read Celsius.

Thanks $100_1713.JPG
try long pressing anywhere you are entering text, and select android keyboard. selecting language in settings seems to not do much for me either..

Try double tapping the weather widget. You will be able to set the Country, Region and City plus change Celius to Farenheint.

That is what I did. I didn't have any problem set the language & keyboard to English.
Have you looked at the various chinese settings available where one can choose the language?
I have a sub-menu there, with a name in chinese... I went inside and unticked everything.

I realized I still had the problem.
I think I solved it now. Keep the key "?213" pressed on the on-screen keyboard, and a menu will appear. Select the second option then the first option (android keyboard).